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Everything posted by Hoovy

  1. Hoovy

    Buff the Negev

    The Negev is severely under-powered and needs to fire lasers similar to the MicroHID.
  2. There is a cooldown for the Full Site lockdown. Its like 900 seconds, I think?
  3. Actions, my dude, speak louder than words. Also I totally agree.
  4. Major, Major, MAJOR -Support You know what you did. You kept going, even though you were warned that there will be consequences. You thought you could get away with everything and did not really care about breaking rules. So, now, you must face the consequences.
  5. CC's don't need guns, in fact I was gonna work with cookie to remove guns from CE's as well.
  6. LOADING MESSAGE.... ... .... CONFIRMED Junior Research Arium, When I requested some more testing to be done on SCP 1162, this is not what I had in mind. While I may not share your opinion on Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham being the best lego game ever to be released, this by no means would even qualify as a test in my eyes. However, I do expect the "LEGO Friends Heartlake Pizzeria 41311 Toy for 6-12-Year-Olds” lego set to be on my desk by tomorrow morning for examination purposes. Yours, Director Dmitri Arkadeyevich "Waxx" Strelnikov DEACTIVATE MESSAGE...
  7. DENIED Reapply when you Learn to Read (in 3 weeks)
  8. -Support Currently Trial Game-Master on ImperialRP and likely wouldn't be able to find an even split of time for both servers. I've dealt with issues like this before, and it never goes good.
  9. +Support I cant deduct pay from a slime ball
  10. Hoovy

    Hom Trap Hunter

    1) Please use the Staff Report Format linked at 2) Please do not post this in the archive for staff reports
  11. +/- Support At this current time, I don't necessarily feel like you are ready for a command position, but seeing all of these plus supports may prove me otherwise. You've also had a bit of a rocky past, and are quite mingy at times, but aren't we all?
  12. -Support Just give them chess or something
  13. As long as it's a pretty low rank requirement in research
  14. You can't just say that something needs to be changed and not give a possible change. Edit: Somehow I missed the reason +Support I guess
  15. Voicemod is what I use for literally everything talking wise.
  16. What am I supposed to say if I fail the role.. Oops I dropped the spray bottle?
  17. Some people just can't do staff reports right.... tsk tsk....
  18. DENIED After a Review of your application and conduct in game, I have decided to Deny this application into the SCP:RP Event-Team. This could be due to your Attitude In Game, Conduct In Game, or other reasons. Reapply in 1 week
  19. DENIED After a Review of your application and conduct in game, I have decided to Deny this application into the SCP:RP Event-Team. This could be due to your Attitude In Game, Conduct In Game, or other reasons. Reapply in 2 weeks
  20. Hoovy

    Chiefs et app

    DENIED After a Review of your application and conduct in game, I have decided to Deny this application into the SCP:RP Event-Team. This could be due to your Attitude In Game, Conduct In Game, or other reasons. Reapply in 2 weeks
  21. Hoovy


    I think trashman was removed for the time being in order to see if an issue with the Nuke would be fixed. If the issue still persists after the removal, I think it will be re-added.
  22. -Support While I may not play on PoliceRP, that's a yikes in my book.
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