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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Hoovy

  1. Catsro is one of the few staff members that I see taking cases. Does an overall good job.
  2. Foundation Utility Staff Informational - Medical Documents Medical SOP Surgeon SOP - Janitorial Documents Janitorial SOP - Technical Documents Technical SOP (Outdated)
  3. +Support I fully support there needing to be a reason included in the advert.
  4. Come speak to me in Teamspeak ASAP
  5. Hoovy

    Chiefs ET App

    Denied Reapply in 1 week if you wish (I intend on doing verbal interviews sometime this week, you are welcome to come to those)
  6. +Support I've had to blacklist this dude from all of utility. There are only two people blacklisted from all of utility. However, a permanent ban isn't needed. Maybe just like a week one, or something.
  7. We have it set so only Medical Command can put down the lockdown seeing as when it was not like that, it was abused. Hell somehow its still abused.
  8. It specifically states to not respond to your application. You responded to your application.
  9. Denied Put more Effort into it. Re-appeal in two weeks if you want.
  10. Pending Need More Feedback P.S: Please change the Event Idea
  11. +/- Support (Leaning to +Support) -Active on the Server in general -Pretty Active on Staff (wow I don't think I've ever said that before) -Overall Ok Application -Previously was a gigantic minge, and that still sort of shows up from time to time. -Question 15 has no punctuation.
  12. Come talk to me in Teamspeak within 48 hours or this application will be instantly denied.
  13. Denied You are very active, but didn't hit the word count requirement, and maybe get that 6 in lore knowledge to a 7 or 8.
  14. Denied Reapply in a week if you wish.
  15. -Support I don't ever see you on the server, let alone staff. You are in the CST timezone, so time-zones shouldn't be an issue.
  16. Accepted Speak to me in Teamspeak ASAP for training
  17. +Support I feel like the server is ready for this, and utility could use it. However, staff will have a hard time documenting this.
  18. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! - What you want to see? - The Trash-man Add on to be added into the server Why should we add it? - The Janitorial Branch is in need of a new SWEP, due to their current one being broken. Also due to City Worker ending up not working out. What are the advantages of having this? -Janitorial would have a genuine thing to do besides spamming their broom. -Janitorial would have a way to make money as well -The Add-on seems like it can be easily configured Who is it mainly for? -Janitorial Staff Links to any content - SWEP (https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/zero-s-trashman-trash-script) Note: We can place the machines in these two rooms (or just one) -
  19. So here I was just chilling in my channel when some nutso cheetah busts into my channel and asks if I wanna try SCP:RP... then bada bing bada boom I come in out of nowhere. Then th3is nerd comes and offers me the rank of Utility Staff Director. (Of course its more detailed then that, but that's the basics)
  20. You can't be SCP:RP event team and ImperialRP staff
  21. -Support PAC can be easily abused. Plus, I see genuinely no benefit from adding it.
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