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Seeker (Tavdogg1)

SCP-RP Event Team
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Everything posted by Seeker (Tavdogg1)

  1. "He's still lookin good, eating those subway sandwiches, his name is Jared and he's still lookin' good." - Hoovy
  2. +/- Support Reason: You we're inactive from Event team for some time, so that is something you need to work on, but since he is great at leadership dispite the issues he holds with other command, I give a decent amount of support for this one. How to improve the post: It's a great post, with Grammer on point and the look of it is much more interesting to the eyes. Overall, I love the presentation in this post.
  3. +Support Reason: Dispite the 7/10 ranking on lore, he seems fit to join CI, especially since he shows excellent stealth abilities for CI to use for their advantage. How to improve the post: Please put spaces between periods and the next sentences, as well as commas and the next word. It makes it harder to read and discourages people to support the post.
  4. Welcome to FoundationMail. Please sign in with your credentials here. Given Foundation Username: AlexBlueberry2019 Password: ************** Welcome back MTF ██ SPC Alex B SI28. Loading Database... Giving the user access to Clearance Level 3... Loading Email List... Linking to [Redacted] database... Syncing with current permissions... Disabling firewall... Loading FoundationEye_2_2_1... Background loading complete. Loading user interface. This may take a minute. Read Email >Send Email Load Foundation Database Report Issue End Program To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: The Truth To say this right now, yes, I have gone insane to the point of no return. You all have read my medical papers. You have seen what I have become over this past week. I am glad you know this, as I don't have to explain why I am going to be rambling like a mad man! Yes, a mad man. A man of insanity beyond what is given. The reason I send you this mail is for a very good reason. Yes! A reason I shall explain soon, but for now, read on what I have to say before I get taken without sharing what I have found. But first, I want to talk about before I became a ██. You probably know this by now, but if I end up dead and someone sees this randomly, then at least people can know when and where I started to break. I started out just like any other MTF. I was a security for the foundation. We dealt with D Class a lot, but it was honestly fun. Shooting some of them really helped get rid of the anger, and the fun to deal with the ones that escaped made be feel like a hunter looking for prey, but the most important keyword is killing. You see, you all know this by now, but if you don't somehow know, then I will explain real quick. When a D Class dies, they return back to the cells, with no memory of what happened, but still themselves with personality and other things that make them... you know, them. At first, I was shocked, but I got used to it. It might be a secret way for the foundation to save money, and I had seen weirder and worse s███ than that. However, things got weirder when one day, when I was with an LCPL going through LCZ when suddenly, a D Class knocks him dead and smashes him to pieces. I was dealing with other D Class at the time, and he was dragged off before he was killed, but god it was still horrific remembering what his body looked like. It was only a few seconds after I got back to the bunks that I saw him well and alive like nothing touched him. He acted the same as when D Class died, no memory of that moment, but he does remember stuff before the death and remained the same as nothing harmed him in the slightest. I asked around, and I found out that everyone finds it normal. People back in the bunks talked about it at times, and even joked around it, which worried me, but I slowly forgot about it. One day is when my whole world was changed. I died for the first time. I didn't remember, but someone was able to describe it to me. Apparently, I was patrolling and he was with me. We encountered D Class along the way, but no big issues there. It's only when we heard that 682 was in LCZ, and we weren't prepared for what happened next. When I attempted to go to the next hallway to see where it could be at, and I have to quote this one, "It lunged forward of greater speed than a cheetah, and gripped harder than an alligator. With one chomp, you were a pile of flesh and bones. I was glad to see you alive, and that is what basically happened." Again, I have gotten used to this and thought it was only an LCZ thing, and like everyone else, I have gotten used to it, and nothing basically bothered me after that. It was after I become ██ that I started to grow more curious, and you could say deranged. You see, CI and SCPs also come back after they die, with no memory. Also, SCPs are not able to breach for a bit before someone is able to shut their cell door. MTF also dealt with this too, then again, at this point I realized that everything practically came back after dying, so no big deal. I soon again got used to this, but soon, I started to get interested in finding out what caused it. I asked around, but nobody knew the answer. It was useless to find out what caused it. I started to give up, and I practically have gotten used to it again, thinking that I won't ever have to worry about it anymore and be both grateful and hateful on what it has done to us and even done for us. Another thing had happened before my big dip into insanity was that I was exploring a bit of the water. I wanted to go for a swim for a bit since the E-11 base was already protected enough, and I had full leeway when it came to exploring. I decided to swim a bit, till I bumped into an invisible wall. I was confused, but I started to use other thoughts to rationalize this. It might be used to keep SCPs or CI in. But it always lingered after that, as it was something no matter what you tried, you can't get past. It wasn't as bothering on what happened after that day. Recently, someone from CI was within one of our meetings. I was confused about this and even worried, but when the foundation announced that this CI is the new DoC, I was shocked. The DoC practically controlled MTF, which contains ██ as well, and ██ usually sticks near administration. We were all confused, but soon, the CoS was hunted down by CI and taken a lot, and he usually died to CI at times if they couldn't take him or had to kill him. Again, why were they shoot one of their own? It started to make me theorize about this whole thing. I started to think about it for some time, and it made me think about CI's past, the ability for people to come back to life, and other things. I had decided to enter the DoC's office while he was gone and look through his database to see what is going on. Yes I know, I am going to get taken for this, but the insanity I have shown is a good enough reason to be hunted down, so I rather share it now than ever. I was able to break into his drawers to seek the password and username, but I found it, and I was able to get myself access to Clearance Level 4 and started to look into the transfer files. This is when I found out a startling revelation. "CoS Castro transfer from CI Command to CoS is complete. ██ will speak more with CI about future promotions on ██/██/20██" The commanders of CI know about this. They knew about the betrayal because they spoke to administration about this. It makes so much sense, doesn't it? CI is still a part of the foundation and has been working with them for longer than we have known. Why will CI allow one of their men to join the other side? Because they had to. Now the real question is why do they still attack him like they don't know him? I searched, and I found more. The only ones who know this is their Delta Command, and the best they can do to keep this a masquerade is to make us think he completely switched sides when in reality he just went to the other side of the same coin. It makes so much sense when you think about it! Yes! This is all true, and you know it is. After I thought about it some more, I think I have come to a conclusion. With the people coming back from the dead, the transfer, and the reason why we all don't remember what happened before we died makes so much sense. They, no, YOU ARE TESTING US! Yes! It all makes sense. Why are we stuck on an island with invisible walls we can't get past, it's because it's a big test. You want to keep us in a rat maze for us to kill each other and you can see on what may happen! It makes so much sense! You try to make us get used to the strange things so we won't riot about it, and try to force knowledge into our brains that you don't want us to know about. The foundation is after all about secrets and testing. This is it. The reason why were are here is that you want to test us, put yourself into the field, let us run around with some amount of command, and see what may happen! You want us to kill people who we think are on different sides but in reality, is actually on the different side of the same coin. A permanent civil war for us to play in, so you can take notes and learn more about how humans react to these horrific things! Now, you may be wondering why I have sent this directly to you knowing that I may be taken by you and forget everything or be permanently gone from the foundation? Well, it's because I believe it's the best action. Hiding this won't help, and I can't hide this forever, as it's easy to be found out in the foundation, and hiding secrets will only make the problem worse. I want you to find me. I am waiting in the bunks. I may come when you ask me to, and you can then do whatever you want with me. You can kill me, amnesticize me, or even just silence me. Hell, I will think I have been blessed if I was just insane and needed 999 and I wouldn't be too much of a problem. Just god whatever you do, don't leave me turning to look over my back at all times, worried that you are stalking me, hunting me down, and give me a conclusion to my insanity rather than test me further. And if you do f███ with me further, then I shall participate anyways, as it seems I have no choice but to play your little game further until I break completely. And when I do, then hopefully you are satisfied enough to at least rid of my mind and let me start anew, without the trama that I have experienced, and I shall forever be grateful to whoever takes pity on me. To the broken glory of ██, Alexander D. Blueberry >Send Save Draft Cancel Are you sure? Sent emails can't be deleted. >Yes No
  5. +Support Reason: Yeah. I want to use it too. Give us the ability to use it in events, please. How to improve on the post: Good post, good grammar, but over powered need to be one word. That is all I am going to say.
  6. In-game Name: Alex B SteamID: STEAM_1:0:89473315 DiscordID: Tavdogg11#8419 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? 8/10. I know the well know SCPs as well as the unknown SCPs, and a lot about GoIs and some foundation tales. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I want to kinda spice up my experience on the server, as well as be able to ruin the foundation's day when I feel like it rather through simply doing the right event. Although I generally just play Security or MTF, I want to start doing yin and yang rather than just do only yin and maybe some yang. I want to also help keep balance with the foundation, protecting someone higher if needed and raiding people of needed to help keep the server full of excitement. Sure I ain't perfect and I feel like abandoning a part of me I love in dear (Security) just to ruin their day, but hey that is what CI is for. Plus, I want to play a bit more and play with people I haven't met yet, as well as experience more things to do, and the best way I can do it is to play CI, and break down the foundation to it's knees. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I have done raids before as Event team, and I know on how they usually work out. I am also a part of MTF, which means I know some of their weaknesses and strengths. Finally, I know how LCZ works, and the best strategies to counter Security. How active can you be? Fairly active. Been active on the server and only go inactive when I am LOA or something really bad happened. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes I do.
  7. Password: ************ Address: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Resignation Reply (Given Permission by COL Killaz to access and reply to this email.) I completely understand the reason why you left. Sure, I am not too happy about the RCF change as well, but we can't really blame anybody about this. The HoS T██S██ maybe had good reasons for it, but whatever it may be, we wish you well in research, and hopefully soon, Gensec may finally shift into something better for all of us, and RCF may rise again as a ranked system, or at least a better-designed system. This is goodbye for now, and hopefully, I may help you with a D Class tomorrow when you are doing a test. Best wishes, Alex B, Security FTO SM & MTF ██ SPC >Send Save Draft Cancel Are you sure? Sent emails can't be deleted. Sharing information about A1 and anything Level 4+ without permission will be a violation of the Code of Silence and will result in immediate punishment. A1 shall only be used for your complimentary close. Anything holding A1 within your stated complimentary close will be blackboxed automatically. >Yes No
  8. Also dispite the warns, the event and SCP is unique.
  9. Yeah. It's too easy to recontained. I was 106 once and got recontained immediately due to then seeing me and being near the door. This extra challenge may also allow RCF to become more useful in the long run, as they already start out in LCZ and may be the ones to help recontain 106.
  10. How to improve on the post: The post has great Grammer, and literally pops with the color added in.
  11. Yeah. That is true. I am a SM and I have access to everything below Mena's well as subdivisions.
  12. I support Jared on this. How about we buff weapons and make it tactical. I hope that the server becomes more tactical.
  13. +Support Reason: Now this will be a useful tool for us to use. The ideas we can use around this thing is expansive. How to improve the post: Good post overall. Grammer well done. Not too many issues.
  14. What you want to see? - "Among many smaller changes and improvements, this update brings back the HEV suit functionality from Half-Life 2, including limited flashlight, oxygen and sprint energy. By default the suit systems are disabled, and you can enable this when starting a new game on the panel above "Start Game" button, or while in-game in the Utilities tab in Sandbox's Spawnmenu." I believe we should have this mode activated on the server. Why should we add it? - I believe it allows for better balance and more emphasis on strategy when it comes to running, using the flashlight, and more. I believe that this can be able to allow people to outsmart others when it comes to sprinting and put more importance in teamwork, patience, planning, and skill rather than brute force and numbers. What are the advantages of having this? - This will affect everyone, so it will apply a nerf to everyone, however, this allows people to predict and counter other attacks, or run better when dealing with high numbers of people. If you are being chased by D Class, and you have distance, you may be able to outrun them or prepare for the assault better since they are in a good enough distance. But, if the D Class are close to you, and you are almost out of stamina, then they can have the advantage. This will force people to think when engaging, and allows people to actually plan some good attacks, rather than deal with death because D Class can still run while you are still opening a door. This also applies to some SCPs. If SCPs have escaped, they will have to prioritize trying to lower the other groups stamina before engaging others or having to hide a bit better in order to survive the number of people who are wondering about. The only issue I can see is when the foundation goes dark, but that doesn't happen too often, and only really happens during events. Plus, that will affect everyone, not just foundation personnel, so CI and D Class will have a bit of a hard time trying to fight as well with the lights being off. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone in every branch. Links to any content - https://gmod.facepunch.com/blog/november-2019-update/
  15. +/- Support Reason: Sure, it will be difficult to keep an eye on, but the idea of some D Class holding someone hostage and demanding something through comms, forcing Foundation staff to act, is a interesting concept and could allow for better roleplay. We should allow staff to tell D Class to stop minging on radio if they are minging on radio, and allow us to OOC punish them if they are minging on radio. How to improve the post: Pretty good post. Grammer is on point and format remains what it should be.
  16. -Support Reason: She is not O5. If she is, then that is going to cause issues. How to improve the post: Fix the format please. Get some actual links to playermodels than just providing a description of what she looks like.
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