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Seeker (Tavdogg1)

SCP-RP Event Team
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Everything posted by Seeker (Tavdogg1)

  1. +Support Yes it does. The fubar does too much damage, and while I don't want to see them have to be nurfed, it seems like the reznovs have became a issue nowadays, and a nerf to the fubar will help with that.
  2. What you want to see? - Gensec buff, both for higher enlisted and even lower enlisted. Something like allowing SGT+ to tranquilize D Class during heavy riots, or LCPL- to have better weapons, supplies, or a sort of armor buff, mostly minor ones. Why should we add it? - Due to the overwhelming amount of Reznovs I have been seeing for a long time, and the fact that they are a custom class, I believe that nerfing them might cause issues and that most of the admins won't want to do that. Since Gensec usually can't survive long when it comes to Reznovs, some D Class want to be experimented on, and Research don't get to experiment much due to riots. I think a better idea is to buff Gensec to help provide a better advantage for them, as well as increase the amount of test being done around here, so the Research department won't have to suffer due to the Reznov issue. What are the advantages of having this? - Help with balance, allow more Research and D Classes who want to be researched on, and allow for more roleplay without too many riots, as well as allow Reznovs to keep their power while they don't have too much of an advantage. Who is it mainly for? - Gensec, Research, and D Class who want to be experimented on. Links to any content - N/A
  3. +Support I believe this will help not only make roleplay more immersive but make things more interesting, as in when another site needs Gensec we can send half of the men over. While I may only be an SGT, I think if it was implemented that we could do cool events around this kind of gameplay. The only issue I see is ping time, but that hasn't been too much of an issue when I play on the UK servers.
  4. There is a player who is minging, breaking rules, and ruining roleplay. That player is BeepTeeBops. However, he is allowed to roam on the server whenever he likes to after I heard some stuff from Gensec. Why is that? I want to answer the question, give some points on why this could ruin the server, and to find out the reason on why banning him will be better for the server. Why is he allowed onto the server by the people who run the place?: First is the most important question. Why is BeepTeeBops allowed to play on the server? This sounds like a question that only sound is asked when things are going really wrong with the player and he is still allowed, but sadly he is still allowed. The player is still allowed because he is free advertising for SCP-RP, as not only he is entertaining (to those outside the server) who watch him, but he also does this without a cost, benefits both him and the server. But in reality, this doesn't benefit the server but actually kills it faster than it has been doing (even though before the Reznov issue which I won't describe, the server has been doing fine.) I will explain the issues below. The issues with allowing him to remain on here.: While he is a free advertisement, he is advertising something that the server isn't about. To be more specific, he is advertising a minge allowing, broken, messed up server with rule-breakers who are everywhere by making these videos. The reason why this seems that why is because he minges, don't talk good about the server, and avoids admins completely in game without an issue. This might not seem like a problem, but the image placed below shows comments that of people who haven't played the server or watch his videos think about it. It might not be that much, but this shows that he is an issue due to this "free advertisement" he is giving. Now you might be saying, "But Simple, he is helping the server grow, why can't you see that?" Well first off, there are better YouTubers out there, including Zuther, who had covered this server before and actually told everyone that they love it, and those people are much better at advertisement than Beep is, as they do talk positives about the server. Also, the server has hundreds of players almost 24/7, thanks to the new UK server which I have noticed has started to recently grow. Also, we also have so many players that without our servers, SCP-RP on the top results of Garry's Mod servers will fall greatly if it was to die off. We are that huge. He is also very small compared to other YouTubers, and his content is seen to be generic, so he won't be as engaging, so properly won't rise up anytime soon with him playing it. It's similar to After The Flash Mirage. While it doesn't get much advertising and the YouTubers themselves aren't popular, it's still huge when it comes to Roblox playability, due to strict, well done rules and people who want to keep the game alive, staff or just normal players. To finish this off, Beep needs to be banned for a while. He doesn't help the server and actually once he grows in the future, not help make the server look good, but make it look mingy and outdated. He ruins others roleplay, and blatantly breaks rules and makes them look ok to the rest of his audience, as well as make us look like 7 year olds for trying to enforce rules on him. This makes it harder for the server to be taken seriously, and if the server dies due to minging players because he was left alive, we can only blame it on staff who won't ban him due to a short term goal that has already been reached with a new server. Please consider what I said above and the rest of you here on SCP-RP, please share your opinion on the issue, and what you think about him. The more people who can share what they think, the better the decision that we can make about him. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a good night. (The comments below are all found on his videos about SCP-RP which I will link his channel right here if you want to look into the comments. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyQ307e51I8NmjndkDz5gZw)
  5. Update: It will only take a few hours till the electricity will return, if not a day or two. Plus I place my LOA in the wrong location, so let's just say that mine was false and things are being fixed as we speak.
  6. Name: Alex B Rank: LCPL Which Server do you play on mostly? (US or EU): US Why should you retain your current rank? (WO+ must answer this): I am very active when it comes to gensec, and I have dedicated my time to this more than any other roleplay. Any Concerns?: D Class raids can be a little too much to handle, but that is one of the fun parts of the job so I don't mind having these long-spanning raids, though I would love them to happen less often so we can have breathing room between them. Other than that I have nothing else to say but have a great day.
  7. God I actually really feel bad for you. The reason we all joined research was to discover and roleplay. The real problem research haves is that there is so much raiding and break outs and breaches that you can't do anything about it. I wish we can finally one day not deal with these problems so often, but sadly we are put in the sidelines dispite us helping keep this server alive. While I am not active that often, I do know that research aren't treated with enough respect, and we usually get the short end of the stick everytime. I hope that one day, they can find a solution that can help research with these issues and make doing research actually more fun and interesting than it usually is.
  8. Name (In-Game/Discord): James, Tavdogg11#8419 Rank (In-Game): Jr. Researcher SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65879953
  9. Name (In-Game/Discord): JR Researcher James (Tavdogg11#8419) Rank (In-Game): Junior Researcher SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65879953 How active are you?: Not so active, though I am trying to become more active now. Concerns?: None currently.
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