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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Accepted Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! You have been accepted into the team, and we would love to speak with you! Please contact a Police-RP Head of Staff within the next 48 hours to claim your tags and be trained, unless other instructions have been given to you. Thank you, and we look forward to working with you! ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  2. Accepted We will be unbanning you. However, you do have 14 warns, some multiple in 1 day. If this occurs again (With multiple warns in a day), the ban might take place again.
  3. Denied When Martial Law is active, Government may block off the bailer. To block it off when Martial Law is not active, PD High Command Permissions are needed.
  4. Accepted @Jay KAPP Please come and speak with me!
  5. Accepted Please message me in discord and receive your whitelist in-game by Admin+
  6. Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason
  7. Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason
  8. Accepted! Please allow up to a week for any suggestions you have requested to be added in game or on the forums
  9. Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason
  10. Matthew


    No they can not do that.
  11. Denied After I did some digging and looking into if it is a true alt account, @Chillors and @waterless fish are the same people. I found you both have the same Registration IP when you created your forums account.
  12. Accepted Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! You have been accepted into the team, and we would love to speak with you! Please contact a Police-RP Head of Staff within the next 48 hours to claim your tags and be trained, unless other instructions have been given to you. Thank you, and we look forward to working with you! ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  13. Accepted Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! You have been accepted into the team, and we would love to speak with you! Please contact a Police-RP Head of Staff within the next 48 hours to claim your tags and be trained, unless other instructions have been given to you. Thank you, and we look forward to working with you! ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  14. Denied Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! Unfortunately, after intensive review by Police-RP SMT, this application has been denied. Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. You may re-apply in 2 weeks. ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  15. Matthew

    What is the MCU?

    Then say "no one can use the MCU skin" not as I quote, "MCU IS AN EMS VEHICLE!!!!!" and "Tactical Units shouldn’t he using the vehicle." AND "There is no reason why CERT, SRT, etc should be using an EMS Vehicle" To me that clarifies that the MCU or whatever is YOUR vehicle. I think you should work on clarifying what your talking about, just my opinion. So based off what you said in your original post. You stated many times that the MCU is YOUR (An EMS) vehicle only! So that is why I said it. I did not put words into your mouth. You put it there yourself. You said the MCU is an EMS vehicle, not that EMS is the only one that should be using the skin. If you have a problem with what I said, which I don't, you can message me on a platform of your choosing. P.S. I think everyone else is confused your trying to claim the vehicle.
  16. This will not be implemented for various reasons. If you want the reasons ICON, please feel free to message me in Discord (or talk to me in TS) and I will provide them.
  17. Matthew

    What is the MCU?

    Any department can use the Mobile Command Center, however it must be allowed at high rankings. Please do not claim the truck is just for EMS and claim other departments need to remove it/not allowed to use it when your in no position to approve that. Chief of Police, and above, are department supervisors and therefor can order such cars to be limited to a department. However this did not happen to the MCC or MCU and it will not happen as it is a valuable asset to other departments. Departments can use the universal MCC skin, or the police skin, for their department if needed.
  18. PENDING Post locked b/c of arguing.
  19. Denied Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! Unfortunately, after intensive review by Police-RP SMT, this application has been denied. Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. You may re-apply in 2 weeks. ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  20. Denied When we look over Colonel Applications, we want over whelming +Support's. Sadly your application does not have that. You may re-apply in 2 weeks
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