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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Accepted! Please allow up to a week for any suggestions you have requested to be added in game or on the forums
  2. Accepted Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! You have been accepted into the team, and we would love to speak with you! Please contact a Police-RP Head of Staff within the next 48 hours to claim your tags and be trained, unless other instructions have been given to you. Thank you, and we look forward to working with you! ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  3. Denied Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! Unfortunately, after intensive review by Police-RP SMT, this application has been denied. Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. You may re-apply in 2 weeks. (Improve forums activity!) ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  4. I will accept any that will be a good benefit to the staff team. However 15 is kinda high, I suggest, don't go past 15.
  5. Denied After some digging, we have reasonable suspicion to declare you an alt.
  6. I would love to be served hot chocolate right now, cold as heck right now where I am at.
  7. After some digging, your an alt. You've been blacklisted...again. DENIED
  8. Come talk with me in TS when you can. I won't be online tomorrow till 7:20pm EST-ish. PENDING
  9. Accepted Come talk with me when you come off LOA!
  10. Disclaimer: I am on my phone and this message may have a few autocorrect goofs, please be patient, I will fox it when I get back to my computer. "I told TheJayden to "watch your mouth," "you will be grounded," and "I know you've been using the JUUL," to try and lighten the mood a bit." That is the wrong response at the point in time, how you said it will usually be taken the wrong way with almost all staff members. Look at it from our point of view. "Should Rocco Rex Say 'that I would be banned if I kept it up'" no he should not say that. He is not staff on PoliceRP any more and should not threaten in that way. If this actually happened, no evidence. "Should Rocco Rex 'be making the decisions!'" He should not be doing this to. However I still don't know if this is totally correct, there is always 2 sides of the story. "What I am trying to say here is that there is clear favoritism between the admins, and there are many double standards (at least on PoliceRP.)" I personally disagree, yes does EVERY server, let alone, does every company in the world has a few bad apples, YES. How do we (as a community) solve this? Reports! We have a ton of report systems for a reason, please use them! Response to 1st story: almost all my responses to the 1st quotes are evidence or there is always 2 sides. The reason why I say this is because everyone is innocent unless proven guilty. Not the other way. I personally can't do anything unless evidence is presented because anyone could lie. The best to do if this happened, is to make a report! "Also, I have seen MANY cops driving worse than I do, and have been rammed by several. " its gmod, driving won't be good at any point. Also a lot of people don't have good computers, even though it does not really help. Also driving bad is not a rule, it's when crims cop bait and etc. Response to story 2: the driving part is not necessary as its gmod and driving is always bad. The first part with jailed reasons, and not really explaining the whole story, is weird. Plus report centers in the PD discord for a reason. Also no advert rule about resetting a car, you do that at your own risk. I believe the admin was confused about that (b/c ppl started to do it) and I should've cleared it up in a meeting. Staff report: Yes that was kinda a weird situation. I apologize for that, and talked about professionalism in a meeting. "To the higher-ups, I would keep a close eye on your servers and staff, as many of these situations could clearly be stopped/discovered if monitoring was in place." Sadly I am personally really busy and don't have all the time to spectate staff. I have tried to in the past but with my time as HoS, I have only spectated 3 staff before I get pulled off to fix something else. Remember this is all if what you said is exactly correct and there is always 2 sides to the story. No action will be taken because no evidence. Am I saying the staff members like Rocco rex and TheJayden are guilty, no. They are innocent until proven guilty, which nothing is pointing to that at this point. Just remember, there are a few bad apples everywhere in the world. And bad apples will always happen. There could also be a few details you left out with out even knowing that could explain actions. This whole post is just an accusation, not saying your lying, but nothing to solidly prove they did such actions. In the future and I hope you decide continue playing, please have a recording program and record this. This is the only way to make sure action will be taken against this staff members. Hope you see where I am coming from. Kind regards, Matthew
  11. Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  12. Denied You may appeal again in 4 months
  13. Accepted Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! You have been accepted into the team, and we would love to speak with you! Please contact a Police-RP Head of Staff within the next 48 hours to claim your tags and be trained, unless other instructions have been given to you. Thank you, and we look forward to working with you! ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  14. Accepted Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! You have been accepted into the team, and we would love to speak with you! Please contact a Police-RP Head of Staff within the next 48 hours to claim your tags and be trained, unless other instructions have been given to you. Thank you, and we look forward to working with you! ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  15. Denied Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! Unfortunately, after intensive review by Police-RP SMT, this application has been denied. Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. You may re-apply in 2 weeks. ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  16. Denied Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! Unfortunately, after intensive review by Police-RP SMT, this application has been denied. Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. You may re-apply in 2 weeks. ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  17. Accepted Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! You have been accepted into the team, and we would love to speak with you! Please contact a Police-RP Head of Staff within the next 48 hours to claim your tags and be trained, unless other instructions have been given to you. Thank you, and we look forward to working with you! ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  18. Accepted Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! You have been accepted into the team, and we would love to speak with you! Please contact a Police-RP Head of Staff within the next 48 hours to claim your tags and be trained, unless other instructions have been given to you. Thank you, and we look forward to working with you! ~Police-RP Senior Management Team
  19. Accepted No Punishment needed, please be careful with your phys gun!
  20. Here is the thing here, and this is probably my last comment on this post. The thing is, that most of the suggestions are repeats of the past or will cause performance issues, that is why its stated in the auto-deny reply. However, typing a reason won't improve as the same suggestion gets suggested 2 weeks later, same addon and all (or a more complex system). The auto reply no joke states all the reasons it got denied, it can cause performance issues or SMT thinks it will not benefit the server. That is really all you need to know, I think. Now I hope you don't take this message in the wrong way, do you truly value your opinions, YES. Steve and I have really been pushing for that, specially with Department High Command members. However, I believe just typing out the reason, will be the same meaning as the auto-reply, but different words to get the point across. I hope you understand where I am coming from!
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