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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Denied Sorry but High Command does not feel that you are ready. Please improve on the following: Activity You may re-apply when you feel you are ready.
  2. Accepted Come talk with me to receive your promotion!
  3. Accepted Come talk with me to receive your promotion!
  4. Accepted Come talk with me to receive your promotion!
  5. Accepted Come talk with me over the weekend to get trained!
  6. Accepted Come talk with me this weekend to get trained!
  7. Please re-appeal the 2 oldest warnings. You can actually only appeal 2 warnings, not all of them. The rules are, you can appeal all warnings that are over a year old if you have not been warned for 3 months. You can not do that as you have not warnings over 1 year. So you can only appeal 2. Please check the guidelines if you have another questions! @Charlie
  8. Matthew

    Old Warn Appeal

    Accepted Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  9. DeathRun - Denied, event must be in RP.
  10. @Nick Val You gave you perms to apply?
  11. Accepted Come talk with me to receive your promotion! Congrats! ?
  12. This should be in the PD Discord Suggestions channel. This will be really hard to enforce and won't work in my eyes. -Support
  13. Matthew

    Old Warn Appeal

    Denied You can appeal ALL warns that are year old if you have not been warned for 3 months. You got the other 2 removed, b/c of you have not been warned for 2 weeks. Thanks for understanding! If you have any questions, please DM me!
  14. Accepted Player has received a 1 week ban. Thanks for making GamingLight a friendlier place! ?
  15. Accepted Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  16. Matthew

    Old Warn Form

    Accepted Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  17. You have never spoken the truth so much before. OMG
  18. Hello SRT Members, the meeting held Saturday announced my retirement from SRT Commander. I will being retiring from SRT Commander and a pointing Blitzton (My SRT Co-Commander) the head of the department, SRT Commander. I wish him the best of luck. This chapter of my time in GamingLight has closed however a new chapter has opened as Chief of Police. I have been SRT Commander for 4 months. I am sad it ended however it was coming no matter what. I have learned a lot from SRT Commander and you guys helped revived the department after someone before me messed up. Don't drink kids. This opportunity to be SRT Commander was awesome and I won't forget the people I have met. It was truly awesome! Thank you all that helped me. Some people I want to mention: SRT Member’s: Listen to your command personnel. And be professional, mature, respectful and active like command expects and you will exceed. Don’t do any thing stupid, you know what I am talking about. Blitzton: I know this was kinda unexpected for you. But the reason I brought you into the department of the fear of this rule coming out for around 3 months. I needed someone that I could fall back on and run the department if needed. You have proven to me you could by doing a hell of a job as Co-CMDR. Good job and good luck with SRT. I believe in you and what decisions you make. Mikey: Keep on doing a heck of a job. Your doing good. You have made somethings happen faster b/c of you. ? Stack: You have been here for some time now. Your doing good, keep it up. Jimmy James: Your doing one heck of a job. Keep it up like MiKeY. Zage: Stop killing hostages OMG Ryan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYExstiQlLc Quaked: QUACK QUACK Hannah: Welcome back! Hope you do well. Rocco Rex: The Ceiling? This is SRT Commander Matthew 1K25, signing off as Commander of SRT.
  19. Mhm, is that why you needed me to get all the way in game to "test my skills" I am your elder, I have been here longer than you. I AM YOUR FATHER!!! #RoastBattle
  20. Ok Mr "Does not know anything." I had to teach you how to use the voice amp, how to edit car dealers and how to be a Head admin, I AM YOUR MASTER!!! I have been staff longer than you have been in this community....
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