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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. Welcome to Gaminglight enjoy your stay
  2. Still have more then u and I am proud xD
  3. Oh okey but i am still going to be neutral cuz I can’t read it
  4. +/- support can’t read everything too tiny why did you not Handel this in game ?
  5. Mega -support I dont want a nother fight between cops and Yukis it destoreyd so much in the Community made ppl lave thanks to it i dont want that tho happend ever again. It is not Worth it., It will just cause fights and fights that is not needed we alredy have enough shootouts as it is I think that a lot of the ppl that was in the yukis and is high ranking staff is because yukis got banned I maybe wrong whit that but it is my opinion when I look at it they changed as ppl they got super more nicer and it was super fun to rp whit them when they left yukis/family got banned
  6. ye he did look at the ban appel
  7. ye xD i mean a minge is kindy worst then a ban cuz then you need to be there and staf afk and that is worst then a ban in a way
  8. A 2-3 week ban would be good
  9. +support if they could make it work
  10. Aa okey If it ever happens again and a Admin+ is afk try to contact me in ts/ forums and I will get on and help
  11. Lucky that I will still see you around pd and staff
  12. Did you ban him off this report ? Like you saw this report and banned him?
  13. It’s okey Chad next time if he brakes to many rules get his steam is and ban him for the amount of time if he did brake to many rules you can ban/minge him then let snar ban him
  14. I am pretty sure that he just copied his other app he has 3-4 weeks
  15. In all seriousness we need to train them that xD they are extremely bad on how to taze a suspect
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