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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. Why dont you play volleyball on gmod ??????
  2. MEGA -SUPPORT a month ago i minged you for 10 sec for having 20 warns and now you have 8 more in like 3 weeks
  3. i am pretty usre he told Matthew to go and +support his app
  4. +Support - i see you on alot - app is good just dont make it so big whit the text size. - when i have talked to you ingame you have been super nice. -mature Good luck buddy. LT Jeff Jr 1L45
  5. Mega -support Advertising app sorry bud but that is the only rule when you apply for Command DONT ADVERTISED YOUR APP
  6. rrrrr Name: Jeff Jr SteamID: ID : STEAM_0:1:421604434 Current rank: LT How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : LT for about 7 weeks Rank Wanted: CPT  How many warns do you have? 26 over 3 months old Do you have a Working mic? YES Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): bob/Dane/Kitty Why should you be promoted? : As some of you may know i am LT in PD at this moment i feel like i wa am ready for CPT i have been LT for about 7 weeks. When i have been LT for the 7 weeks i feel that i know how the pd works how the promos should be handed out how to be nice to people how to talk to people communicate to people i have been active everyday as LT on my time (EU TIME) i have been on every training Fridays helping out bob and other officer training the officers and looking out for them so they know what they can do and what they cant do. If i find a officer that minges around i would most likely ask them what they are doing and why they are doing it and will tell them why they can't do it so they understand what they did wrong that is the most important thing in my opinion when it comes to let them understand what they did wrong so they don't do it again if they really did something wrong like (mass rdm ) then i would take away there whitelist but in the end it comes out to what they did wrong and if they understand what they should not do next time when they come into the same situation i have also handled a lot of Officer complaints around 15 and i have dealt with them pretty good i understand that they are human and they do mistakes .( I know my english is shit) (Note i just came back from a 1 week LOA) You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No):YES
  7. Mega -support -super active - great person - mature -his name is Chad B +support xD
  8. Oh no crazy panther is back xD
  9. +support -nice person - verey good mic - good app good luck
  10. +/- support -seen you sometimes on (timezones) -okey activity on forums -okey app could use some work other then that good luck
  11. Dosent sounds like milip but +support
  12. Never gonna make so you won’t hit it xD
  13. This ain’t it chief gimme the money or i will raid your base dude xD
  14. Hello nice to meeeeeet you hope to seeeeeee you around prp sometimes
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