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Jeff Junior

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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. It is not his first time he has a LOT of wanna but when I looked at the warns he did not have any warns around building
  2. Yes by me vizz just want him warned
  3. -support a warn is not needed as i handel this ingame vizz was just complaing on me not warning him. And i told vizz that i wont warn him let me handel this., in my oppinion when you warn someone they also need to understand what they did was wrong. Jokes did not understand what he did wrong yes he has a lot of warns but he did not have any when it comes to basing. it was just a m,isstake of him now knowing the basing rules so much. And he was complying whit me. So i did not warn him. Other then that i dont Think he needs to get warn cuz it was just a misstakes and we dont need to warn everyone for every small thing
  4. You gonna fry up chicken the +support member? xD
  5. Congrats I am only 150 from 2k :S
  6. Oh god never thought of that before xD but in my opinion it is not ravioli it is a dumpling
  7. -support -never see. Ingame before (could be timezones) pretty inactive on forums -Good app Other then that good luck
  8. +/- support - app is okey but can use some work -never seen in ts before Other then that good luck
  9. -support -no effort in app feels like you rushed this app I recommend you to look true it and work on it. Other then that good luck
  10. +support good app -Nice person only -that I have is your mic quality but other then that good luck!
  11. +support -active -mature - Okey amount of posts As a pretty long Forum diplomat and staff I feel like stumpy is ready to take a leap into being a forum diplomat. Good luck! (prp Admin Jeff Jr)
  12. Nope that would not be amazing at all xD
  13. Gratz I am pretty late also but still xD
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