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Everything posted by Rookieblue

  1. The individual that was warned needs to post this appeal, and you would just need to post that you accidentally warned him. No worries, it happens, I've done it before too. He's an Event Team staff member for those confused.
  2. Yeah, even if you aren't directly calling someone those words, using that at all is not allowed on the server.
  3. I literally warned you for racist statements yesterday when you were calling people "negros". You then complained that saying that wasn't racist, and that "it's a crayon color". - Support
  4. As you said, since these are specialty jobs I don't think they fall under the normal MTF head requirement, however, you still made a good choice to format it like this to make it easier for the correct weapons to be provided if this is accepted. + Support
  5. This explains basically everything you need to know about the CC process!
  6. Rektify has my full support to be promoted to the rank of Senior Admin. Rektify has a track record of solid work ethic, efficiently handling staff calls, and is able to get along with most everyone. While he has had issues with professionalism in the past, I believe he has learned from those mistakes and has moved past them. Rektify would be an extremely positive addition to our Senior Admin roster, and I hope to see him advanced.
  7. Mining was removed from the server due to a variety of reasons. It caused lag to the server, people who clog up the smelter so it couldn't be used, among other issues. I do not see it making a return. - Support
  8. What you want to see? - I would like to see the permission required to authorize the nuclear weapon reduced to the Director of Utility, Security, and Research +. Why should we add it? - This would allow two additional personnel (who are currently trusted ranking members of the staff/event team) the ability to authorize the nuke. This increases the pool of people able to authorize a full RP reset if one would be needed. What are the advantages of having this? - Increases the number of people able to authorize the nuke by two, and based on how the site administration positions are set up, anyone in those positions is generally considered very trustworthy. Who is it mainly for? - Site Admin personnel, the entire server Links to any content - N/A
  9. How I explain it when I give verbal/documented warnings: - Players playing as SCPs take it upon themselves to comply with all rules that go with that SCP - SCPs are not allowed to work together with each other, D-Class, or CI to gain an RP advantage. This includes leaving people alive to allow them to break through doors, protect them, etc. - If there is a situation where two SCPs are attempting to get to the same area, one of the SCPs are obligated to go a different way. If they happen to meet up while roaming, that's fine, but if they both want to go to the same place, one has to take a different route, or otherwise wait for a period of time and then return on their way. - If another player as an SCP continues following another SCP player, the followed player should make a staff call informing staff that they are not attempting to team, and are attempting to break away. I don't think the actual rule needs to be explained more, maybe an example or two added? Otherwise, just ensure that all staff is on the same page enforcement wise.
  10. I'm looking into the above issue, but let's please return to the topic at hand. Since he was defending himself I will say +Support. However, in the future just call staff and let us deal with it, that way you wouldn't have to worry about a misunderstanding like this.
  11. Oh, well there you go, even PoliceRP doesn't do that anymore. Well see my advice anyway!
  12. Just warned yesterday for misconduct. That's not really what you to show when looking to join the staffing team.
  13. As stated by these guys above me, SCPRP does not remove old warnings like our colleagues at PoliceRP. This is because we view warnings as part of your record, which speaks to your character. However, we have a number of staff members on the SCP team that have warnings themselves, so having warnings aren't an automatic disqualification unless you have like 39 warnings for stuff like racism and such. If you decide to apply to be a staff member with us, I recommend explaining how you've changed from your past, and what you've learned from your past mistakes. I also don't know how long ago the warnings are for. If you want to send me your Steam ID, I can give your profile a once over and see if I can give any further recommendations.
  14. + Support I'm extremely familiar with Harry. He's got to go.
  15. + Support Benefits are self-explanatory
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