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Everything posted by GLaDOS

  1. +Support for Verbal Warning To be completely honest, this isnt okay and the evidence is clear. However, I dont think the MOTD and Rules need to specify every single thing just so the Report Center doesn't light up with Fallacy reports.
  2. Following my recent character backstory: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/59169-project-keyhole-released/?tab=comments#comment-401161 I decided to submit the file for grading: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OAgSdQynJrYi0ofl16_dNzSgFZTIi3bycgbVbGVLAp4/edit?usp=sharing Im excited to finally release this, It was a group colaboration and about a month's process. I present to you, Project: KEYHOLE.
  3. Booting Up... Insert Credentials ()_ Loading... Inv</>alid L0g*In Welcome, Caroline! Latest Entry Log: Site-05 | DoURS Office Warning: This file is Level 4 Confidential. [Audio Transcript Begins] Research Aministrator GLaDOS: *door opens* Sir, I'd like to speak to you. Director of Utilities, Research & Security Beanz: Certainly, come on in! RA GLaDOS: Thank you. *footsteps get closer* DoURS Beanz: So... what's this about? RA GLaDOS: Watkin... DoURS Beanz: Oh God, what's happened? RA GLaDOS: Its not what you think, he knows but he's okay with it. DoURS Beanz: It has to be a trick. RA GLaDOS: I don't think so sir, you know the C.N.T.N Bots? He's overseeing that project. DoURS Beanz: Interesting, so that solves that problem. Right? RA GLaDOS: Not exactly... that's not the only thing I'm here for. DoURS Beanz: Hmm? RA GLaDOS: Im Discontinuing Project: Keyhole. DoURS Beanz: What!? Why? You had something going there, why throw all that work away?! RA GLaDOS: During my last trial, Watkin insisted on going in. Murmering something about Site-13 he went away for a couple minutes, we were successfully able to retrieve him, but he didn't come back... the same. DoURS Beanz: I see. RA GLaDOS: I'm releasing the full file report, I will be REDACTING my name out of it along with a bunch of other information. I don't want to have anything to do with it anymore. It will be Level 3 Confidential, I expect it shouldn't fall into any unauthorized hands because it's still locked with a Memetic kill agent that I've editted to Level 3+. The full report is in its file. DoURS Beanz: Well. I'm sad to see this stop, but It's under good reason. I'm going to cut you're funding for it. Now lets just keep an eye on Watkin, and never speak of this again. RA GLaDOS: Agreed. [Unauthorized User Detected!] [Terminating Session] Attention: Unauthorized User, Please report to the nearest security personnel for immiedate punishment. Project Keyhole Document: here! Special Thanks To These Guys!: Watkin DoURS Beanz For letting me put include them in here!
  4. See at the moment this doesn't really seem like a problem that needs fixing. It just feels like a suggestion to make SMT work more, I feel like it could work if they're up for it. But the toolgun is a very powerful item, its not far off to say that this literally can control 80% of garrysmods assets. This could be easily abused but I see it being really nice not to have to call a staff member everytime you want a prop to look different. I'd say it's really just up to SMT if they want to put that work in for this, however Im also going to say that it really isnt a need per say, its more of a want. "If it aint broke, dont fix it." So I'll give a +/- Support
  5. I've been a part of this community for a while and Im making a quality shitpost about the amount of posts I have, am I cool yet? ;-; leave a reply or something : p
  6. Grade: (95%) Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This follows lore quite well. Creativity: 15/20 I like the idea, however this test feels unnecessary. 513's effects arent a disease, so 500 would be naturally ineffective on it, as proven in the test. Presentation: 20/20 I like the way you made the text stand out. Writing: 40/40 Couldn't spot any errors that needed to be brought up. Overall good job!
  7. The evidence is clear, plus having 1 week on the server he should know better by now.
  8. I have gone to this person for a lot of problems and I genuinely enjoy working with him everywhere I do. I've seen the capability and inspiration this dude has to get things done, and I believe he would be nothing but an asset. +Support
  9. Grade: (70%) C- Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 This followed lore up to standard. Creativity: 20/20 Personally, I have never seen a researcher utilize scp 012 and 173 in the capacity you did. Well done! Presentation: 10/20 There is so much potential for this test log, I feel the lack of detail and eye catchers really hinder the full potential of this test log. Tip: Try adding more detail and possibly Writing: 20/40 This lack of detail carries over here too, and also the fact that my spell check software found 13 total errors in your test log, a number that cannot go ignored. Note: Sorry for no colors, its 11:04 at night for me and I am tired.
  10. Grade: (100%) A+ Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This test follows the lore, perfectly whilst creating its own new and feasable lore. Creativity: 20/20 I've got to say, recently there haven't been any tests with SCP- 527 and the way you included both SCPs is really good! Presentation: 20/20 This test log looks like it was taken directly from containment breach! Writing: 40/40 I could spot no errors or mistakes of any kind.
  11. This is so sad gamer, siri set timer for one year.
  12. +Support Also, please add a Hazmat suit to the Research Command job!
  13. Grade: (100%) A+ Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This follows lore quite well. Creativity: 20/20 I've seen a lot of tests with "What if 939 couldn't hear [blank]" tests, so not the most creative, but definitely test worthy. Presentation: 20/20 This is seriously the closest I've seen to creating a doccument out of the SCP lore, I have to say this looks like the doccuments straight out of Containment Breach, great job! Writing: 40/40 I couldn't detect any writing errors.
  14. Ho lee shit. Where do I even start, well first I'd like to say this is single handedly the best test log I've ever seen. The amount of detail in this test log is astounding! The lore of this SCP is very well followed (20/20), so much so as to even create its great lore, I would not complain if this was canon lore. The amount of effort put into this is very amazing, the creativity is the best part in my opinion (20/20). I have never seen a test log look like this, I want to learn how to do test logs like this (20/20)! I, nor could grammarly, spot any writing errors within this test log. Saying that, this very impressive especially out of 17 pages full of words and pictures (40/40). Final Grade: 100% A++ Note: Please talk to Kuma about submitting this to the Research Hall of Fame, we have a real candidate here!
  15. Grade: (90%) A- Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This fits well with lore, and creates its own. Creativity: 20/20 I very much enjoyed reading this log, the overall purpose and cause for this is very enjoyable! Presentation: 20/20 The test log looks very nice! This makes it look like an official SCP Doccument Writing: 35/40 Grammarly spotted 8 total writing errors in this log, something I cannot go unrecognised. My favorite part of this test log:
  16. +Support From what I know of Kami, she is a very fun loving individual with great events and the skill necessary to fill this position. I dont think I've had one bad encounter with her either!
  17. +support decent application 19 events been in research for a while
  18. Im posting this here as well as on the other post. Please Note: You can only apply for Command or Field Agent Not Both Friendly Heads Up! But Im +Supporting this Application for the reasons of what Zeus said
  19. GLaDOS


    Denied Glad to have known you, take care pardner.
  20. In-game name: GLaDOS SteamID: STEAM_0:0:89411271 Current RP rank in All Divisions (Ex. Senior Medic, Security Officer): Research Administrator How long have you been a Event Team Member: 2/21 Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if you remember): 1 - Didn't Meet Quota How much time do you have on the server? (Press F1): 2 weeks 3 days How well do you know the SCP lore in general?: 8/10 Why do you WANT to become a Senior Event Team Member?: Becoming an Senior ET Member will allow me so many open doors to help make more and better events than ever before. Having the restrictions on my abilities have been very hindering towards my capabilites and true potential, I believe that if given the chance I can prove to be nothing but a fully functioning asset to the event team. Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Event Team Member?: Not only am I dedicated to the Event Team, I am dedicated to my Branch and the Server as a whole. Abusing the position given to me here would very detrimental to my stance in the server. I couldn't let that happen to me and have it sodden my reputation on the server. Have you mastered ULX?: I've had it mastered before I've joined this server. Are you experienced with planning Mega Events?: Semi-Experienced, I've helped host and plan a couple with different ET members, but I've only been able to host one. Give an example of a mega event: In this event, foundation personnel recover an artifact that, when activated, can shift every techtonic plate on the world and thus cause an XK Class End of the World Event Scenario. During the recovery, the ancient force sworn to an eternity of protecting the artifact awakens and tracks the Artifact to Site-05. Once there there will be three waves, each harder than the last. It will take some exposition for everyone to understand the purpose and cause for the event but once this happens it will be 10, then 15, then 20 people to play the "Ancient Guardians" Virsus the Entirety of MTF. The time this event happens will be picked later in the day to ensure enough MTF to be able to handle this threat. Should MTF succeed in protecting the Artifact, the Highest Site Admin will decide what's done with it. Should the Guardians recover the Artifact it will be taken to a new location for protection and never seen again. What do you consider to be the best event you have ever created: My SCP-44T Event(s), I created an SCP for the Foundation to learn and discover. It was a little gelatinous blob that had a Child-Like personality and could alter the composition of atoms surrounding it. It could also squeaze through any crack or hole that was more than a Milimeter in diameter, however it was easily controlled by playing with it and speaking pig-latin. The Head of Research assigned it the Temporary Designation of SCP-44T. What is your Total Amount of Events according to the "Events Hosted" column on the roster?: 20 How active can you be: Very
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