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Everything posted by Phil

  1. I changed my mind !ban freeze bringing back he who we do not speak of
  2. in all fairness he was just chilling having a lil nap until you jolted him with 1000 volts of electricity
  3. wtf kade coming back to policerp staff????? +support former staff with plenty of experience good app mature knows the rules Overall Kade deserves staff once again bringing with him a wealth of previous staff experience and a great staff member in the time i worked with him on staff, best of luck kade!
  4. ban @Alex Raddish right after one of his infamous bank raids with a note "hehe i just uwu'd u"
  5. -support rookie couldnt of stated it better
  6. +Support Active as heckers mature always willing to learn/help others knows the rules great app and has prior experience overall i do believe that havoc deserves a chance at staff
  7. Just to make it a tad bit easier for smt this is said players normal steamID not the 64bit version STEAM_0:1:101917540
  8. where do i even begin? minge? inactive? no one knows who this guy is? overall +support willy glad to see your back hope you get accepted as staff again you have and always will have the qualities as a great staff member and a good mate
  9. Phil


    ban was over a year ago i believe and cannt be appealed since bans over 1 year cannot be appealed gonna assume that will include TS and discord bans plus zeeptin said no so for context:
  10. Hey ender unfortunately i will have to +support this app -well written app -well known and liked staff member - dedicated -active Overall you deserve this promotion and hope you get it best of luck! you thought it this wass a -support at first didn't you?
  11. To add to this, I do believe a verbal would of been more than suffice unless he didn't remove it after you ask
  12. Sorry but yeah unfortunately can't appeal bans over 1 year old oof
  13. this should be how it is +support
  14. eexactly what lucky said. cos i can for sure see this going vice versa with each other targeting each other like this post.
  15. -support if it happened yesterday that was before rule was added
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