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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Yes they are talking about you +support tho
  2. Hey savage! Unfortunately I will be -supporting this app I'll start Off with some major things: Responded to own app(usually a instant denial) No poll Only just got back from a extended LOA Question 16 is wrong in alot of ways Low forums count(while it's recommended to have 25+ it is more beneficial to be active on the forums and in game when applying for staff) Application is a bit messy Overall While everyone deserves staff I would strongly suggest you wait a while before applying for staff, your still new to the server and coming back after your computer broke, read over the staff handbook, check other applications for how they set it up, don't respond to your own app and ask staff how they deal with situations as stated in question 16 See you in game!
  3. Hello ponik unfortunately I will have to -support as much as I want to +support Staff on discord server while not staff on gmod is still staffing for another community Low forums posts(Get active on the forums!) Question 16 needs to be worked on, you would also have to give them further punishment for massrdming and staff diss as found in the staff handbook 600seconds for massrdm(checking logs to see how many the offender did rdm/ardm to give out the correct punishment e.g jailing him for the correct amount of time or getting a higher up if said punishment is more than you could give) Open poll Overall while I do believe you deserve staff at this moment there's some stuff you still have to work on, before applying next you should: -step down from said discord you staff on -get your forum count up! - reread the staff handbook and ask other staff members their experiences for dealing with situations as stated in question 16 -make sure to click private poll! Good luck with the app see you ingame!
  4. Sorry but I will have to -support I'm on pretty much always and haven't seen you on at all To add-on to this low forum count to go with 17 warns is a bit much regardless of how old they are they are still used by admins as a track record when giving out warns(granted they might be lenient due to being old but nevertheless Question 16 needs some work, you would also be warning them for massRDM and staff diss not just staff diss and rdm Overall while I don't have a problem with you applying I do believe that you should wait before applying for staff, by saying that I mean get more known on server by being active on both in game and also on the forums, read up on the handbook and ask around to other staff members their experiences in deal with situations like question 16. Good luck on the application and hope to see you in game!
  5. -Support Inactivity/only recently came back, need more time playing on the server/getting to know people 11 warns 4 of which are recent, not too high but not good either Question 16 could be worked on can come across as mingy/unprofessional imo the reason as to why you aren't staff anymore, I'm sorry but your actions as a tmod on scprp whilst in the past still reflect how you are as a staff member and the biggest question how can smt/community trust you after you gave yourself a whitelist to a job you which was why you were reemoved from staff
  6. +support for mrs goose to give out the promos at PD meetings
  7. +support No regard for the rules
  8. Sounds alright tho not something I'd listen to tho
  9. I love my death metal this song is one of their first and my absolute favorite They have a new song for a album coming out in June
  10. +support honestly he had 6+ agents putting guns on him and kept breaking fearRP to add on to this the player who broke fearRP just got banned for 5 days for fearRP and more https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2057835894
  11. +support for reasons above, everyones fav minge!
  12. -support minge +SUPPORT great guy knows the rules dedicated and a respected staff member mrs goose gives out good promo's[should have her give him his promo if he gets super admin
  13. or because they were so sure that i couldnt do anything and then upset that i actually went through with what i was threatening them to do hence why theey called a sit for RDM not failrp warned multiple times verbally to release my family member, i then advert jailbreak and broke my family member out reegardless of the time between the advert i had verbally in rp warned them multiple times to which they refused and yet you still claim its failrp since you couldnt warn me for rdm which the sit was called for. you then ended the sit after hearing my defense for RDM stating you were going to find articles about it to clear it up never mentioning once i could still be warned, fast forward 5-10mins later instead of bringing up to a sit where i could defend myslef for supposed FAILRP you pm me and warn me before i could explain myself. you can see where i find this wrong and the warning false anyone reading has been in a situation where they have gotten their family out of cuffs and never warned for it yet for some absured reason will went out of his way to ensure i got warned for it.
  14. you also tried claiming that i could of put them under fearRP and it was 2 officers vs me there is no way i couldve put them under FearRP, any other times ive advert jailbreak i have gotten the SINGULAR officer to uncuff said family member, in this situation it was impossible to place them under FearRP as 1v2 does not = fearRP on both Another thing I don't get, you literally went out of your way to make sure I got warned out of that sit. it was called for rdm and in no way shape and form was it rdm in any circumstance with trying to help a family member out of cuffs. You then ended the sit and let me return to rp and then 5-10mins later instead of brining me to a roof to explain and let me say my side since I barely got to say anything other than say it wasn't rdm(since that was what the sit was called for) instead you private message me that I'm going to be warned and before i could say anything you warned me, tell me how that's a fair way to handle this situation
  15. in all my time on playing GL i have never seen anyone warned for adverting jailbreak hell ive seen plenty of otheer players and stafff whether low or high ranking and i've seen you do it will break people out of cuffs without rping it out or even adverting but me telling them multiple times beeforehand to releease my family member before adverting is against the rules and i get warned for it your trying to tell me that yelling them multiple times and then adverting it is failrp, you said i didnt have enough time to rp it out yet i say i was rping it out before hand verbally asking them mutliple times to release my family member, told them right before i was going to do it and adverting it to reinforce that. thats more of a rp thing for geetting someone who was in cuffs out of cuffs than what ive seen in the last few months of coming back
  16. Your In-game: Phil GSC Your SteamID: my SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114270629 The admin's name in-game: Will The admin's steam name (If you know it): dunno What warning did you receive: FailRP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): attached Why do you think this warn was false: in this situation supremechow had been arrested i came down and told the officers multiplee times to let him go/freee my homie, after i telling PD multiple times to free my family i advert jailbreak and killed the 2 PD officers trying to put my family member in jail, this instance has happened many times with either family members of mine or many other people on the seerver and most times they dont even advert and dont get warned for it yet i for some reason get pulled up and warned for it Any extra information: attached is proof of advert
  17. Been unemployed since November last year due to my mental health came back to work start of last month which last 2 week's before i lost my job to coronavirus since all bars are shut not much work for a bouncer around the place so more time on gmod till this blows over
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