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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Hells yeah bro glad your back tho homie missed ya Cheater you were jmt
  2. Only taken me less than 2 years
  3. Provide proof that you didnt, burden of proof falls to you if you want it overturned as it will turn into a he said she said and will end up being denied due to the lack of evidence. The word and its iterations aren't welcome regardless of the intention behind it, stops people from minging around and claiming they arent being racist because one reason or another(not calling you a minge just explaining why)
  4. ^^^ HK and honey badgers should stay only to gov and CC's but agree with calamity
  5. -support No. Any use or iteration of the n word isnt tolerated in this community . Regardless of "its how i speak" either control yourself or don't say it at all, its just common sense and just your lack of a filter thats caused you this problem. Your complaints regarding demotions and or disrespect are something to put a complaint in to PD as thats rp. Your punishments don't fit the crime either, only "toxicity" is coming from you . Also i honestly don't get how people think its perfectly fine to use the n word on the forums or anywhere thats on official GL places.
  6. +/-support I mean most questions should be resolved via dm so that person can change their + or - support
  7. +/-support I mean You can make more than enough money confiscating weapons and putting people in jail if all you do is play government. I mean besides ammo and tazer rounds what are you really gonna spend your money on if you only play on gov?
  8. Specially without it getting abused by someone who just wants to be president
  9. Phil

    I was rdm'ed

    underrated comment
  10. Damn now im gonna have to use this pic now #BanBanSprings
  11. -support Also you could've atleast said "n word" rather than actually say it again, on the forums
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