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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Will be changing this to a +/-support on the basis that Matthew did say he could reapply after one week(attached)
  2. as much as i wanna +support this, mar please take the time to read staff handbook, look at apps that have been accepted for any help for answering questions you might be unsure and apply for staff again at another time, on top of not waiting the correct time of 2 weeks -support *edit @EternityAgar my bad xd just realized it was the 3rd he applied looking at wrong dates
  3. ^^^^ dunno why people got so heated was fun as!
  4. specially with it being in a purge event
  5. Phil

    BRUH ima dip

    this is a real bruh moment, remember me when your a big famous twitch streamer
  6. Phil

    BRUH'S Retierment

    Aye you can't retire, gotta wait atleast a week after another command member leaves smh Good luck on ya all the things you have going for you brother will miss ya
  7. ^^^ they don't have much in a say in it either when no sits were called specially when Alex reddish who was the kidnapper didn't mind and explained to officers the misunderstanding or given a opportunity to say they didn't realise. Rule broken? Yes. Warnable? Imho no, this would've been a verbal if anything I get staff have discretion when dealing out punishments BUT I truly believe the punishment doesn't fit the situation. I've seen time and time again and again even as my time as a staff member where situations like this specially with how he was sorry and didn't realise and that the person who would've called a sit(and rightfully did not since its a simple mistake and said panic was called false on and they got to rp out what they had planned for without so much of a drama) end in verbals. You also gotta realise every situation can and will be different and can't base previous experiences as the norm, if this was brought to a actual sit which it really should've I'm 100% certain this warn would've only been a verbal if it was. +support should've only been a verbal warn if you read into the situation and not just go and warn someone without getting the full picture.
  8. Phil

    DP Family

    bro thats all DP needs duh
  9. Another one of your wonderful suggestions -support. As per usual you have no link to any add-ons that could remotely benefit this post with the usual "not hard to make do it yourself" attitude and then "debate" anyone who makes valid points with us knowing better than to argue in a post so you think you win, continue to do so post will get locked your attitude is childish really. Last but not least ontop of not having any add-ons you say this is for prisoners(not inmate job) this would also be denied on the basis that they just released the bailer npc update. Before you "debate" me just know I'm not replying I've left my +/-support anything further is arguing. Future reference for when coming up with these ideas take the time to find a add-on, one that works too unlike the last one.
  10. Tbh id like to see the time from Max telling him last warning, to him changing name and getting warned. Does seem to be some time passing between the last warning and you changing your name before I +/- support this
  11. dang you just came back! take care mate all the best
  12. was about to say, smh newbie
  13. Phil

    BRUH's LOA

    denied, url before irl. catch up with that school work mate dont let gmod stop you from it, seeya when you come back
  14. +support Sell 500 and 1000 ammo options if you can do that pleaseeeeee
  15. Gonna have to update the training guide for PD using the video as a clear example of how to pit someone
  16. -support failed to advert carjack
  17. the funny hamster is leaving?
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