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Everything posted by Phil

  1. +support Was in the motd before but got removed for some reason or another
  2. ^^^^ couldnt of said it better myself
  3. -support pt2 sp00ky Reasons stated above
  4. Phil

    regarding YTB

    I'm what? What are yall?????? I rlly wanna know
  5. Phil

    1,000 Posts!

    Finally up here with the big boys
  6. Couldnt of said it better myself
  7. Not even gonna put a special mention for me? seeya later man
  8. Colesoft semi face reveal confirmed?
  9. +support I was there i was the rdm, everyone clapped
  10. What if this is all just a meme?
  11. Seems strange i know but... it kinda looks so.. Realistic! Matthew got that attention to detail down pat
  12. Pretty sure its just the map and not much can be done about it
  13. -support Warn bans aren't appealable Also classic "my brother used my account"
  14. Name: Phil Job: Groom, because i want to marry yobo Why?: because i want that military benefits
  15. Phil

    Elise's loa

    Noted on roster, hope to see you back soon!
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