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Tim Brown

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Everything posted by Tim Brown

  1. Congrats Gamik! You’ve accomplished so much in the GL community!
  2. - Support After hearing both sides from John and Walrus, I believe this was a valid warn. You assisted the bank robbery after it had started which is FailRP.
  3. Tim Brown

    Bad news

    Sorry to hear that Vizz. I hope everything is ok with you and your family/friends.
  4. ++++ Support Active Mature Good person overall Good Application Professional Knows the rules and enforces them GOOD LUCK!
  5. No worries. Your education is a lot more important, take your time.
  6. Welcome to the force! Looking forward to working with all of you!
  7. Definitely worth it. You spawn with a USP, Get FBI PA, extra cars, 750K in game money, more jobs, and a LOT more.
  8. Tim Brown


    Nice to meet you Jacob! Have fun on Gaminglight!
  9. Nice to meet you Matthew! I’ve seen you around a lot lately. Good Luck in advancing in the police force and I hope you enjoy your stay at Gaminglight!
  10. Positive, Positive, Positive
  11. T H E O F F I C E I M P R A C T I C A L J O K E R S
  12. Congrats Myan! You’ve achieved so much in the GL community and we couldn’t be happier to have you here!
  13. Since you put it in front of SRT base I believe it should be free for me
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