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Tim Brown

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Everything posted by Tim Brown

  1. Wow Tom! Already Scared? Really letting other Tom down. Will would be disappointed
  2. Oh no! There is a HUGE problem (not really). There are now 2 Toms and 2 Tim(m)s. I say we go against each other to see who's better, the Tim(m)'s or the Toms. @Tom Brown @TimMeMeSSS @[GL] Tom
  3. Agreed. Joe Mama has always and continues to show great dedication towards the staff team. He has been Senior Mod for quite a while now and it's time he gets what he deserves, a promotion. He handles every sit fairly and shows a clear understanding of the rules set in place. Good luck, Joe Mama! -Tim Brown
  4. Tim Brown

    Taco-LT App.

    + Support Active Mature Helps and trains officers Is staff, so he knows the rules Been SM for long enough Good Luck!
  5. Nick, although I would love to talk with you, I’m currently in class. So here’s what I have to say. Everything is going to be fine. I have family members who have gone through/ are going through depression currently and what helps them is thinking about the positive things in your life. Think about someone who loves you. Take your parents for example, or any siblings you have. If you are ever feeling down on yourself, that’s ok. We’re human it happens and nobody is perfect. Just remember to keep your head up when you can. I’m sure your family loves your and we love you here at Gaminglight. If you need anything feel free to ask. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
  6. The taxi driver, truck driver, and bus driver all come in a job bundle that can be purchased on the GL store for $20.
  7. Happy Birthday Tcoops!!
  8. 1K for a full face? oh boy here we go again
  9. Tim Brown

    Where am I?

    Good luck of your training Yobo! Looking forward to you coming back!
  10. Just realized it says possible face reveal We might all get oofed by eman -3
  11. This is #10 for me Leaving the rest up to you guys Make me proud
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