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Everything posted by BigJohnny

  1. +support mature active af Fit for major Knows what he’s doing and is familiar with all the rules
  2. This should get pinned for that reason
  3. If you want armor to spawn on your crim class buy a custom class.
  4. At some point people can hit like a senior diplomat or something
  5. +support been in the community a while low warns good effort in app had previous staffing experience seems mature seems fit for staff has obviously read the staff handbook and deserves a chance to be staff. active in game and decently active on the forums pretty known among the community Good luck
  6. What you want to see? - I want to see shelves you can put guns on so it looks more like a shop rp wise. Why should we add it? - it adds a little more rp and its easier on gun dealers because people buy the guns off the shelves and the money goes into a cash register that you can collect. and you have to restock your shelves everytime your guns get bought. What are the advantages of having this? - makes gun dealing a little easier due to more people being able to buy guns at once. instead of having to do individual deals. unless they want like multiple shipments. Who is it mainly for? - gundealers Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/62/darkrp-shelf https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/9/shopping-shelf-2-premium fame said pending and never accepted or denied ?
  7. You didn’t write anything in your all pretty much.
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