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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. My computer is broken so I won't be in game or discord at all for a few weeks byee

    1. Azrael_



    2. Hannah


      I'll be getting a new one in 9 days!

    3. Azrael_


      o ok

      Can't wait!

  2. Turning up!!image.thumb.jpg.25e5f2250c5a69c5936179ac3cab2d5c.jpg

    1. [GL] Joe Mama

      [GL] Joe Mama

      Looks like you're going to have fun! ?

    2. Hannah
    3. [GL] My Pet named Steve

      [GL] My Pet named Steve

      O h n o h a n n a h i s g o i s g o i n g t o h a v e a h a n g o v e r 

  3. - support Sadly this suggestion has been suggested in the past and got denied not only that but it will be hard to enforce
  4. Well if you were hit by a bullet or even shot at fear rp is over as they done damage to you doesn't matter on how much guns are pointed to you, pretty sure smt has even told me this
  5. +- support viper do you have anymore proof?
  6. +support looks glitched
  7. What you want to see? - An updated chat box the one we use now is kinda outdated Why should we add it? - you can have custom emojis rainbow texts Diffren't colour texts might be a cool thing to have and also has alot of fetures What are the advantages of having this? -i wouldn't say much advatges as this is just a chatbox Who is it mainly for? -everyone Links to any content -https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/gchat-the-ultimate-chatbox other info Built from ground up with compatibility, ease of use and optimization in mind. Very fast and efficient, written in pure LUA with no proxy libraries or proxy programming languages Ability to drag chat around and resize it in realtime Ability to resize font in realtime Doesn't feel clunky Ability for clients to control fading types and fading speed of chat Ability for clients to disable text decorations or images Settings change save in realtime, optimizetly Built in advert system(DarkRP based gamemodes only) Works with chat commands Text wrap supports UTF8 Scales with resolution Ability to adjust scaling from settings Full localization support with language selector(no official translations yet) Full aTags support Uses pre-compiled paint function for each chat message with optimized surface pipeline to minimize the usage of expensive surface functions Ability to handle hundreds of thousands of chat messages in realtime: Tested as working with 1 million chat messages Not that you will ever need that many Renders only chat messages that are visible Realtime rendering resource-waste is almost non existent Never need to cleanup messages with gChat, seriously it will take as many as needed without performance implications. In a practical scenario it is not possible to fill it up to the point where something will be noticed Optimized search engine, since there is no need to cleanup messages search engine might be useful at times. It takes up to 10 seconds to search through 1 million messages - lag free. You even get a buffer and a search count to entertain you as you wait. Well, in a realistic scenario it will always be instant search until we get chat persistency done. Usergroup tags: Can be textual or image based Can be dynamic, some ranks use image other text or others none at all. Whatever you fancy Get icons from the web or locally Timestamps: Support both 12 and 24 clock format Ability to easily format your own timestamp Dynamic font: Ability to have multiple fonts per chat message, for example timestamp can have their own font, player name can be its own font, usergroup tags can be its own font, colon can be its own font, chat message can be its own font, link can be its own font. One theme can have one font set, other other font set. This can make your chat look very unique Each assigned font can have its own unique parameters like italic or font size. So in effect, for example, you can have a timestamp that is smaller then the rest of the message or player name that is bigger then the rest of the message to make it stand out or something Ability to vertically offset the font position, this is kinda needed to align different fonts since its not possible to realistically detect such alignments through code. Emojis: Get emojis from the web or locally Ability to define emojis and even emoji folders per theme level, so you can take 1 emoji pack alter it without changing file names and then just change the emoji folder for that theme. Again, for example you can take emojis i provided, make them whatever color you want, dump them in a different emoji folder and then use that set while old set is still functional. Like everything else optimized rendering pipeline so even when someone spams emojis you should be somewhat ok Images: Ability to insert images into chat Images nest with text so you can combine text and images(same with emojis) Ability to define an image link whitelist and to enforce only those links for processing(RECOMMENDED) Ability to allow users to post whatever images they want(NOT RECOMMENDED) Ability to change the ratio of image you are posting. Ratio for width and height goes from 1 to 9, 1 representing the line height for that message. So if you inert an image that is the size of 9 in height it will be 9 lines tall Ability to limit the max size of images anyone posts. By default it is limited to 5 Ability to select whitelisted images from a panel, like watsapp and similar Text decoration: Colored,italic(dynamicfont),flashing,glowing text with easy to use parsing method. Altho, colors and their parsers need to be defined from a theme system but this might be expanded in future to have more dynamic color parsing. Emojis,Images and Text decorations can be limited to specific ranks, so for example you can make it only donator feature. Only their image links and emoji parsers will actually get converted into images and emojis. Theme system: [NOTE] To utilize theme system fully you will need to understand very fundamentals of LUA like what a table is or what a variable is. Almost anything visual can be edited from the theme system Ability to switch mounted themes in realtime Ability to get icons and textures from the web or locally Supports pattern textures, for example if you don't want background texture to stretch but to tile while you resize the chat Supports lua refresh, if you are editing a theme that is active most settings will update live altho some will require reconnect. This might get improved over time. Ability to mount only specific themes. For example, you can keep 100 themes in a theme folder but mount only 2 themes. In any case it is not recommended you mount 100 themes. Ability to rank restrict who can use theme selector. So you can make theme changing donator only, or something Extensive multi-level blur support, because everyone needs a little bit of blur in their life. Comes with 10 themes. Out-of-box Chat modes: Team Chat support Ability to run client side console commands Ability to run rcon(server) console commands, rank restricted Ability to execute both client side and serverside LUA from chat, rank restricted Secured, exploit-free networking
  8. You can suggest a menu for that if I find the link ill post it
  9. +support 2 tyears is a long time and we are a forgiving community i think he would be good to come back to some police rp!
  10. Yea I dont think this will get the owners attention as the owner doesn't even look at these staff reports pretty sure if its manager + you will have to send in a video and the report , that is what it was like a few years ago
  11. Sounds like alot of booty hurt players -support
  12. I love you little brother!

  13. What you want to see? - i want to see only familys being able to bail each other out and the bail costs to be higher ithink 100k-300kk for 1-5 mins and depending on the crime 6-10 mins should be 600k-800k depending on crime Why should we add it? - it makes it more realistic and people can't abuse it by bailing random people out What are the advantages of having this? - Makes Arrests more useful Who is it mainly for? -gov Links to any content - N/A
  14. Something I hate is when a  nice person turns into an asshole  because there staff rank and power:( I have seen so many friends  go because  of this  and its heartbreaking  asf  ,  

    1. Fame


      Dm me who

    2. [GL] Kanny

      [GL] Kanny

      I've seen this in the past

    3. Quinten


      I have seen this to soo many times thats why i dont care about power nor getting promotions its very sad seeing people change all because of powers their now have i dont stay friends with them i try to find people who understand what the true meaning of being staff/power is you are a player the only differences between u and normal players is you have the power to deal with people breaking rules and stuff you are a player and was trusted player with the power to improve the server by keeping rp and removing minges staff are player no matter what rank you are

  15. Honestly  I am a nice person if I am a bitch to you   you got to ask your self why,  

  16. after hearing @ColeSoft Grey side i will give my + or - support so far iam leading to -
  17. it's going to keep getting abused though some thing has to be done about it thats no fighting style xD a fighting style is back in the day when people dont jump and down like abunch of idiots xDDDD
  18. +support i do this even and its cheap asffff
  19. +support i truely think vodnik didn't mean to offend any one
  20. Only if I was there I'd kill you Cole soft >:{
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