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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. Hannah

    Another False Warn

    link isn't working but ill +support this if he got mugged for 500k and also kings have been harassing @maral And @Smoke alot idk why this is but i think it was because that day we had a war what i thought it was just going to be friends and games not ending like this , to any family basically it isn't fun getting targeted with 6 custom classes non bias answer
  2. Custom classes who have the hitman swep has to follow hitman rules still No Rdm hits can only be done when no one is around and there needs to be a reason for the hit already rules for this :3
  3. please appeal the ban chiken we can't lose you!!! you were changing for the better please... you didn't fail anyone chiken you did one hell of a job for srt you seemed really happy as well
  4. Hannah

    Recent Actions

    it was a fun war but it ended up personal i don't hate you and i am not mad at you ether, but you will be blacklisted from the kings due to betrayal
  5. You're r next but you're death will be recorded
  6. Hannah


    you on the bottom
  7. Hannah


    Looks like Kings stay on top ? It would be nice to have a battle with you though
  8. If th3 removes a post I know it's for the better I have trust in him and his actions
  9. ruinz don't sweat it we are still friends to me all of this was roleplay beef but sadly it came to actual beef i hope where ever you go is good for you -hanah
  10. +- support -support as I do see him stalling a bit but anyways this is me being unbiased he had his hand up and when rhenic shot you guys up his hand stayed up because there were guns still pointed at him +support he should have listened to demands but like what every else said it was really loud and it is possible he didn't hear you.
  11. +support old warns should be removed
  12. Major +support Friendly Nice knows how to roleplay mature does his job really good Good luck Calamity!!
  13. Hannah


    some one sounds like they have alot of confidence aye
  14. No offence Commander but if you haven't tried it out you shouldn't really leave an option try spawning it your self i bet you will change your mind even ofcs have better guns than what they made this
  15. +support i don't even know why you would make a gun this damn shitty we pay alot of money for our stuff
  16. Hannah


    you and what are you going to do pull a ruinz and start something and get off right after leaving his team mate behind , i give @amyourdad props though he's the real man in this family
  17. Hannah


    they fucked up now i am in this and i am in this to kill >:{ and if something i learned wtap is a bunch of cowards ditching @amyourdad after you started crap ruins your next none of us has died so next time your in the game watch out
  18. Agreed every one deserves a fair sit
  19. if you ever feel like a srt member is abuseing there power you could always take a video of it and show it to command , blitzton jeffe and will don't play and they will keep there members in check, how i know this because i seen them do it before when some one was messing up
  20. I do agree with this there need's to be more roleplay than less pvp we will be needing to have a meeting i think Rhenic
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