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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. -support we had this we called them bsi
  2. Everyone meet misty ?? ????


    1. [GL] Joe Mama

      [GL] Joe Mama

      What a cute pupper! Reminds me of a dog I used to have

    2. Hannah


      Shes honesty  my life rn!!

    3. [GL] Elapin

      [GL] Elapin

      Dinner?? JK. I have 3 dogs myself, a shitzu, german shepard and miny pincher

      I use to have 5 more but yeah

  3. I remember you welcome back!
  4. I mean both are great but my favorite one is police rp, scp-rp I dont get it much all I remember is getting constantly rdm by guards and it was annoying, but playing as a guard is pretty fun
  5. The military ones are glitched those are police rp admins this happen to me once
  6. I hate nights so bad ?

  7. I feel like I wont get though this... ? this is the 4th   worst day first it was my grant  grandpa my grant grand mother  and my grandpa  now my  step grandma ...   honestly wish I  could  be with them rn ?

  8. R.I.P Grandma  dorothy I'll forever miss you

    1. [GL] Joe Mama

      [GL] Joe Mama

      Sorry for your loss Hannah. Losing family is always tough. 

  9. Omfggg do I see my little brother fame yuki!!! , +support these are old warnings!
  10. That's the thing maybe we can change it for the judge to grant bails to be used with the system yes it does balance the economy alot like what you said, but you also bought up court I really think judge should control the bailer and grant bails not only is this annoying like freeze post he said there is legit people getting told they will bail some one else , you are government so I know you know the main thing about this is shoot outs , jail was the only thing what has stopped the major shoot outs , the only good thing about the bailer is like what you said economy , roleplay rise I think judge should have control over the bailer
  11. My only problem with the bail system it's a get out of jail free card and there's no rp aspect about it
  12. +support alpha has shown maturity and has no warns
  13. What you want to see? - making judge vip+/adding a more realistic way to bail people out Why should we add it? - there is no roleplay aspects for the bailer we use now What are the advantages of having this? -the bail system we have put in has almost to none roleplay with it and it interrupts roleplay as crims will just keep bailing there friends for a small fee , so I am thinking of a more better idea and realistic idea to make bails roleplayable and better for everyone, First the judge could accept bail and than release the next court date to the victim will have to come and they do not there will be an automatic warrant for this arrast , if the victim comes to court the person who paid for bail will be refunded as the bail money is , this can also add more roleplay in the server maybe this will happen but we can put together a bail bonds department can be sub division for judge, Who is it mainly for? - Yes this is a semi serous roleplay server what needs more roleplay addedn to it Pros, Roleplayable bail system Judge being more active Person who used bail could get there money back as the money was just for Collateral Making jail worth something Not having a mass shootout every 10 seconds Less mingeing Cons No judge might be on to grant bail Cant really think of any more cons and it kinda balances stuff out
  14. +support even though it does help the economy I dont see any role play aspect for this thing crims will just keep bailing each other out and do the same mass shootouts this actually runins role play and makes no sense at all, irl you wouldn't get bail for mass murder and if you do get on bail you have to make it to your next court date and even if there was away to make this happen it will just duplicate because they can just bail you out again.. it definitely needs rules to make it roleplayable Plus if the judge is on this will ruin there roleplay as a judge as they only can make bail so it really doesn't make sense having this like what I said there is no roleplay aspects
  15. All moved in ?


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fame
    3. Hannah


      Nuhh elapin  he will defeat u

    4. [GL] Elapin

      [GL] Elapin

      nahh, he is nothing without me, he is sick.

  16. Format: riot patrol event semi serous rp Event Name: riot patrol Event Details / let criminals riot like a role playable act where a cop unlawfully shoots some one, Crims/gov Rules no mic spam /ear rape No RDM unless if you use your fist as this will be more realistic as there are fights in riots No mic spam / ear raping dont be screaming in your mic . Format: Serious rp Event Name: murder Event Details / there is 1 person who is the murder and the server has to catch this person event team staff will put up different type of scenes to act on depending on the murder Rules:  NO metagaming Cops could join in and help look for a suspect Once the suspect is found you are able to kill/ try to detain the person for questiong Is the Event mainly for (Gov, Crim or both!)? can be both Format: semi serous Event Name:Build event Event Details / the person who makes the funniest /cool looking person/thing wins Rules: n/a Is the Event mainly for (Gov, Crim or both!)? both Format: semi serous Event Name:cops and robbers Event Details / the criminals have to go on a large crime spree and finish off gov to rob every store in the city Rules:No rdm no NLR Depending how much government is on they could come back in the raid criminals could only come back when the raid is over and they are going on the next heist Format: very serious rp for this to work it will need to be serious for it to take part government and criminals Event Name:Hostage simulator Event Details / there is a group of hostages in a house the governments goal is to try and talk with the hostage takers to get them to let the hostage go they can not rush in unless if the hostages life is in extreme danger Rules:no rdm no rda no metagaming seeing people talk to each other thew walls etc Is the Event mainly for (Gov, Crim or both!)? both
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