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Everything posted by Dane

  1. Neutral Would be great for staff on duty. But for those who somehow are spectating off duty, and they happen to be pressing the button to teleport to the spectated player, they would teleport to the player off duty then. If they can find a way to make it so that you can't teleport to a spectated player off duty, then this would be a great addition.
  2. Neutral The ban/minge should have been issued by Snar. But at the same time, you had 50 times/chances to improve your attitude, that is a lot of chances.
  3. -Support I don't see how this warn is invalid. You're not supposed to be checking staff members if they have god mode on or not. You also don't have any evidence/proof of this situation, Management can't do anything about this report if it doesn't have any evidence.
  4. PENDING Awaiting on more community feedback.
  5. +Support Active in-game. Active in TS. Semi-active on the forums. Application is good enough. Respectful and mature. Long-time member of the community. Deserves a chance. Best of luck.
  6. Neutral Active in-game. Active in TS. Application could use more effort. A lot of warnings. I occasionally see you minging around. Overall, just try not to break server rules a lot. As I said, I usually see you breaking rules here and there, and you have quite a lot of warnings. Anyways, good luck.
  7. -Support I haven't seen you in-game. I haven't seen you in TS. Forums activity needs to improve. No poll on application. Application needs more effort. Overall, I suggest that you improve your activity and put more effort in your application. Get more people to know you and get along with them. Other than that, good luck.
  8. +Support Active. Mature. Approachable. Respectful. Knows the rules. Application is decent. Has experiences on staffing. Deserves a chance. Best of luck!
  9. +Support I was there when he warned him. It was an accident, he warned Vizz instead of the offender. It should be removed.
  10. Dane

    Taco-LT App.

    DENIED Due to community feedback. Please reapply in two weeks.
  11. Can you guys provide an evidence of him advertising his application? Assistant Chief Dane
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