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Everything posted by Zage

  1. +support Dont really see any problems
  2. Zage

    Ban Appeal

    -Support you would think stop breaking rules at like 10 WAY WAY WAY TO MANY CHANCES WERE GIVEN
  3. please change the text color so it is easier to see
  4. Zage


    RIGHT i Definitely did not give you like 100mil that one day nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  5. -Support -I Don't see you that active - When you are on I do see you minge a bit Good luck
  6. In-Game Name: Zage Steam Name: zache1164 SteamID:STEAM_0:0:144573481 Are you a Moderator+? YES I AM MODERATOR How often are you on TeamSpeak? I am in TS everyday (I have school so everyday when i get home around 4pm EST) Do you have a working quality mic? YES What timezone are you in? EST Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+) I want to join the support team because I love Gaminglight and want to help out even more than just staffing in-game I want to be able to help people with problems in teamspeak. Things like just give a person there tags so they can go off and do whatever they need to do to have a fun Roleplaying experience on our servers. There are other times where I would see people waiting for support in the support rooms and after 30 minutes later they would still be in there and I wish I would be able to just go and help them. Im extremely Active and kind to others and I enjoy helping people and making them happy to be here. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I am Extremely active in-game and on teamspeak and in Gaminglight in general Would never miss a day. The main thing I want to do is make people happy and have them have a fun experience with us on Gaminglight. I can solve problems fast and get people on there way in no time. would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? Hello my name is Zage from Gaminglights support team how may I assist you. Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? I have read the rules and I promise to Uphold all the rules to my best ability..
  7. Name: Zage Rank: Parametric Why you want to stay in ems: So I can go help the people in our beloved city Are you in the discord:sure
  8. +SUPPORT You can not take your own sit he should have called another staff member
  9. good luck MJAY love you buddy
  10. +support he had the same name as someone else i was trying to warn The warn is false sorry Jay my mistake
  11. What you want to see? - A new court room in the empty room in PD Why should we add it? - Well we got no court now and the cells in the PD can act as holding cells until the court is ready for the suspect this will give the judge a place to go and do the job they payed for. What are the advantages of having this? - Judges job will actual make scene in the game more RP Who is it mainly for? - Judge Defendant prosecutor Links to any content -N/A
  12. Zage You know the only reason I know you is because of calamity which is a good friend of mine ive also seen you alitte and you seem pretty friendly have a nice daybye
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