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Everything posted by Kade

  1. If you are using the name thing to "see" d class through walls or know they are around you that is metagaming...
  2. Kade

    Chiefs global loa

    Marked for DORS
  3. Every day I am running around the facility and BAM, SCP around the corner, I then break down laughing because I get so scared. lol, I did that in the announcement room and them everyone pressed buttons.
  4. You must be promoted up to SGT. Then you get to be trainer.
  5. Hello! Thanks for applying. You are a new player, I would suggest having about a month to a month and a half of experience on the server before staffing, make sure you know all the rules and you are active.
  6. Hello! Thanks for applying for staff! Reasons you should be staff -You are on the server a lot -You know the rules, because they are being enforced on you. Reasons you need to improve to become staff -You do get in trouble a lot -You could improve on community relations(become more well known) -Be more mature Overall I would suggest before becoming staff doing the things listed above. SCPRP Super Admin, Support Member, and Discord Mod Kade
  7. Welcome Sion to GamingLight! We have support members waiting in the teamspeak to assist you if needed, the teamspeak ip is ts.gaminglight.com. If you have question you can also forum message me and I will help you the best I can! Hope to see you, SCPRP Super Admin, Support Member, and Discord Mod Kade
  8. I dispatch EMS and PD at the same time...it would be cool to see the dead bodies though, I kinda dispatch EMS to scenes where there is most likely going to be a downed person.
  9. Please use this format if you want to see a new SCP on the server. You can go into as greater detail as you wish, the more the better. Remember the SCP must be in lore and be capable of being played in Gmod. Post name: “SCP’s Name - Suggestion” 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: 2. Link(s) to playermodels: 3. Link(s) to sweps: 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 5. Why should we add this SCP? 6. Basic summary of the SCP: 7. Extra information: *Please note that if you cannot find any playermodel or swep for the class, that most likely means we will not be able to find them either*
  10. I tried to get mine removed but was told "they are for reference and will not be removed because they do not affect you." But it is a good idea so +1
  11. +Support Good dude Knows his stuff Active
  12. Name: [REDACTED] Identification (SteamID): [REDACTED] Current Rank: [REDACTED] Do you wish to stay on the Team: [REDACTED] Can you stay active throughout the summer season: [REDACTED]
  13. Name(in-game): Kade Steam ID(must be in the steam group): STEAM_0:0:178907499
  14. There are multiple problems with this, 1. 912 should not have touched you, 2. If they say Eric you should hit them once and let the music play, not hit them multiple times till they die
  15. Denied New player Your event idea does not follow event team guidelines, and it is non lore. You can reapply in 2 weeks, stay here awhile and get to know the place, because I just started seeing you like 2 days ago.
  16. Kade

    Felix Self-Warn

    Why are you impersonating staff, dang, Fake Felix
  17. A1 has not had an update since like Homer
  18. Name: Kade Rank: PVT Any Concerns?: Matricies is a DHOS
  19. Accepted You have until 5/12 to speak with a Senior Member for training, if you cannot find a senior member then come to myself on TS, Discord, or ingame! If you fail to speak with any 4 of us before 5/12 you will have to reapply
  20. Accepted You have until 5/12 to speak with a Senior Member for training, if you cannot find a senior member then come to myself on TS, Discord, or ingame! If you fail to speak with any 4 of us before 5/12 you will have to reapply
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