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Everything posted by Kade

  1. They are in the content pack
  2. -Support for both 457 would just be too hard to use, we would also need a swep for him and I dont think there is one... 294 is used only for events, people will minge with it and there is no way to pick up the cups without grav guns so it would be useless to you guys anyways.
  3. Interviews will be done when I feel like doing them, which will be not for a LONG time...
  4. Usually you give your + or - Support as to why he should or should not be event team. You do it have to be event team to give feedback.
  5. Denied Negative Player Feedback Commented on your app
  6. Accepted Enter the Discord and wait for Training Time Announcement (Friday)
  7. Pending Awaiting Player Feedback
  8. Accepted/Pending Need SteamID
  9. Accepted Great App and Steam ID Join the Discord and await training on Friday!
  10. Denied Sorry, your steam profile is not a steam id. Great App, feel free to reapply at any time.
  11. Accepted Great App! Come to the Training on Friday. Times will be announced in our Discord - https://discord.gg/MqsdYz9
  12. Denied There is no SteamID within this application You may reapply as soon as you wish. (Same app may be used)
  13. Denied Your app was ok, but I feel like you could have put more thought into your event idea. You should also get more active and known within GamingLight. You may reapply in 2 Weeks
  14. Denied I researched into your past while you were with Revival and I do not feel that you are fit for the Event Team. You may reapply in 2 Weeks.
  15. Kade

    OMG What is With This

    I said as long as they are getting a 5 rating then I don't see a problem with them. If people honestly thought they were annoying and bad then they would vote for a 1/5. So please take this drama else where and stop trying to make the Event Team, and myself, look like we don't care. If events get good ratings, then we see no reason to change them... And can a forum diplomat take this down
  16. +Support I scanned through app and it looked good. Works hard in security, therefore he has good potential for staff. Knows rules Knows lore Overall good player No punishment issues Good luck! ETL/Admin Kade
  17. Welcome Bread to SCP-RP, if you have any questions feel free to contact me on discord! Kademon#1210 Event Team Leader/Admin and Site Director Kade
  18. +Support Th3 listens, he WILL be a great Head Admin just because he has the time to stop what he is doing and listen to anyone, what some SMT lack. All the stuff th3 does is for the server, th3 has done nothing to harm any server in any way. Th3 is a hard working individual and does so much for us, the countless keypad fixes, text screen issues that are finally fixed, and so much more. Th3 knows how the server operates and what the future is for the server, I know that th3 will only do what is best for the server Honestly th3 has to be one of the best people I have met. ~SCP-RP ETL/Admin Kade
  19. Pending Need player feedback
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