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Everything posted by Kade

  1. I'm on LOA for Thanksgiving until Sunday. Going to Oklahoma. I will be available everywhere else other than in game
  2. DISCLAIMER: THIS HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED BY SMT, THEREFORE SHOULD NOT BE USED BY A DISPATCHER UNLESS THERE ARE LOW AMOUNT OF GOV UNITS. CONTACT KADE IF YOU WISH TO GAIN DISPATCHER/SMT ACCESS. I made a quick tutorial for when I am dispatching and using SauceCad. (Computer Aided Dispatch) https://www.saucecad.com/mdt/login?action=signup&community=emscad&permkey=Regular only link needed. 1. Follow Link 2. Sign Up 3. Click Civilian 4. New Character 5. Insert First/Last Name ONLY other stuff is no needed unless you really want to play Civ and call 911. 6. Click Menu 7. Click Police 8. Click Edit Unit 9. Insert Unit Info 10. START PATROLLING!
  3. They will just deny it again. Our community is "too big" to add this. But we do everything in game that we do now so it really wouldn't be much of a difference. And we would have people actually want to play EMS with this mod, and we would add doctors, first responders and more.
  4. I am requesting that since people who go unconscious are now arrest able, you PLEASE stay on scene nearby the body so we can get a statement and declare DOA or roleplay it out properly. We may be taking more people to the hospital now and if you want the person arrested you WILL have to go to hospital with us and wait for them to get our of treatment. Thanks, EMS Board of Directors and High Command
  5. Kade

    Punishment request

    +Support If he didn't know not to do this then he should have just gone with his punishment and not left during sit.
  6. Well, it is unfortunate that you could not be active on our forums. Every department post VERY important stuff there. Next time, in any department, try to check your department forums at least 2 times a day. Have a nice day @AnarchyReigns ~M. Chief Kade
  7. Well. Every department has a forums, I'm so sorry that the place you applied at was also where this info is posted, and you couldn't notice the post.
  8. It is your responsibility to check forums on a regular basis. We also remind everyone who is in our Discord that there is active rollcall. We also put it in our TS channels AND in the forums chatbox. The responsibility is on YOU to keep up to date with current EMS events. We have a rollcall every month. Feel free to reapply in the EMS Club. @AnarchyReigns @Keuka
  9. Well. Then invite Rythm to your own discord server. Like I said.
  10. I mean just chill in your own discord server with Rythm.... or listen to spotify?
  11. There are better Tow Trucks out there.
  12. +/- Support I see no problem with how it is now.
  13. He's not asking to make it. He is suggesting Zeeptin get somebody to make it.
  14. Noted and marked. Your 48hr notice ends on 11/15 @ 5am EST
  15. I'll might can do them if you want. I made the MCU skin for EMS. I can probably make some SRT skins.
  16. @Razonix @dubsmaster @Connortwos EMS Tac Unit?
  17. Noted and Marked. See you later and Sad to see you go.
  18. +Support Mature Deserves the rank Good Command Member Has had plenty of time as Cap Definitely knows how to command PD Deserves the chance Good LUCK!!
  19. What is your in-game name?: Kade What is your steam name?: [GL] Kade What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:178907499 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I have been Admin on both GL SWRP and PoliceRP for about a 9-10 Months. I was also staff on Icefuse Networks for about 5-10 months. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Around March 2017 What date did you make your forums account? April 1st 2017 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? 10, all in early 2017. Have you donated? Yes What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? Nope. GL for life. Have you read the staff guidelines at? You will be tested on it: Yes...Very well. Timezone: Central Standard Time Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe that I deserve this rank for many reasons. I am good at managing EMS so I have what it takes to handle a small group of people misbehaving. I am good at problem-solving, such as solving any problem in a timely manner which will probably be a BIG thing in SCPRP especially when the server is just starting off, solving the problem to the benefit of the server, whether it would help it or not do anything. I am also GREAT at keeping people very calm and being reasonable with them to a certain degree, this does not mean I am giving freebies. I can keep calm in any given situation so you will not have a problem with me lashing out at our player base. I also believe that I deserve this rank because I have had this rank up to admin and left on a VERY good note, I cause no problems, went to meetings, and followed all guidelines. I also think that I should receive this rank because I am a very good player, I will learn to know the MOTD like the back of my hand and will be up-to-date on new rules. I also strive to achieve the best in the staff team no matter what that might be and plan to stick around this time. As a striving community, we need more people willing to do whatever for the community which involves doing whatever you can to benefit it. Thank you for reading my app!! How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? What I would do is bring the person and ask them, after I have gagged them for cursing me out, why they are RDMing. If they do not answer me after multiple times asked or continuous shooting, I will say, " You have one more chance to answer me or it will be a 10,000-second minge, which is roughly a 2-hour minge." If they stop then we will proceed with the punishment whether they knew not to do it and then maybe lessen their time. If they do not stop I will go up COC until I can get the 10,000-sec minge for the person.
  20. +Support. Close range sniping is kinda OP if your good at it and it is not RP. You would never see a tac unit irl run into somewhere with a sniper. They would be in a good sniping point.
  21. +Support. What the other people said.
  22. YES!!!!! Just need somebody to make it.
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