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Everything posted by Kade

  1. Gg i noticed a lot yesterday and was like....they should fix this.
  2. Why do yall think NSA is the main point here? I could care less if NSA did this. Im mainly talking about State and PD dealing with a Gen store robbery. Maybe Guidelines on how many people are inside say 3 or less Tac Unit not needed to move and 4 or more Tac Units are in charge?
  3. Not that they don't know just a reminder
  4. I think we should have High Command tags for each department and give those people the ability to whisper to anyone with the MAIN department tag. Why add it? Helps communication when meetings start and only department heads get them so nothing could go wrong.
  5. It is not a bug...it is how the addon was configured. Zeeptin simply needs to increase icon wait time.
  6. I know many if you will not like this but it for realism and gives non tac units more to do. Since they can't enter raids. What you want to see? - Tac units not respond to G store robberies. (Unless needed and/or non-tac units are below 15 players..ish) Why should we add it? - Adds realism...SWAT dies not respond to General Store robberies irl. What are the advantages of having this? - Adds realism and lets PD get more action. Who is it mainly for? - All Government Forces. Links to any content - None.
  7. I have..2 times. It would be best just to talk to SMT which i will be doing shortly and explain that it woudnt cause more lag than we already have.
  8. If SMT removes this rule I promise. I will make the EMS department better in roleplay such as calling people DOA and determining if they are able to go to prison.
  9. I think it's on behalf of SMT not knowing what type of RP we want. Do we want Buffed government or do we want realism...2-3 shots and your bleeding and 1 headshot and your low health. Maybe a serious RP server where it's all realism and no 255 armor and people that can take 15 shots before dying.
  10. Maybe if we had Roleplay tools addons. You try /me everything in hospital. I'm open to suggestions to add RP I think Advanced Medic Mod would make the server a better place with the amount RP it brings. It would solve many unroleplayed areas. Such as vehicles crashing at high speeds. Bleeding. Stretchers. Medicine and SO much more.
  11. OMG YES!!. I totally imagined this being Jake.
  12. I'm Straight but you just turned me gay. JK Loved training you Korean.
  13. Yea i lag just a little at 90. But its still playable.
  14. You can't just say fix the lag. What is SMT going to do to fix the lag? Your suggestion very bland. As others have said.
  15. How one? Every Department has things needing pinned locked and hidden? Unless it changed with forum update as of 3-4 months ago you could not....
  16. Give Head of Departments Forum Tags to moderate their section for PRP This helps because Forum Diplomats don't move apps to their designated place. Just an idea and yes ik you can't select where people can edit you would just have to trust them as they are Head of a department
  17. Kade

    Lag Command

    Or bind it to a key in gmod
  18. This was along time ago. My point of view has changed.
  19. So over the last 2 weeks of summer I really needed a break. I'm not in really any departments besides EMS so no reason for an LOA. I have cleared my head and have new ideas and activities for EMS. I want to just let everyone know I am back with school and after school activities i will be on as much as i can. I hope everyone understands that some people just need a break from some things. And to be honest GMod can get EXTREMELY boring playing it everyday. That is probably why you have seen me playing other things if you have me on steam. Anyways. I'm back and ready to have some fun.
  20. And they denied my EMS tac unit so this is redundant.
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