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Everything posted by Kade

  1. Kade

    EMS Tactical Team

    I would say something nimo but smt will ban me from the forums for making a joke about you lol. @Nimo
  2. +/- Support +Your head of department and have good rep. +Your a great guy -I don't see you on staff much and like Jeff said there are better admins for the job.
  3. It on the GL landing page if you need it. At Gaminglight.com Not the forums but the LANDING page. But reader to the forums would be GREAT
  4. 1ο»Ώ. Name: Kade 2. Are you a staff member? (Must be a mod+): No, but I have permission from Mike. 3. How do you rateο»Ώ your SCP knowledge from a scale of 1 -10? 8 4. Are you willing to find bugs and constructively criticize SCPRP? Yes, bugs are nasty and I love constructive criticism!! 5. Are you available at theο»Ώο»Ώ time listed above?ο»Ώ I should be!
  5. See ya man. Have fun times with you.
  7. I just didn't have fun on the job and there are better options for RP. Sorry.
  8. I hope I win this. I need a good car.
  9. ? November Roll Call ? Name: Rank: Status on Roster: What are you thankful for: Not replying to this rollcall you will be REMOVED from EMS.
  10. Goodbye. I might have to do the same again.
  11. I just wanted to let you guys know that we will NOT be having a meeting on Thanksgiving. It could be self-explanatory. but just wanted to let you all know!! Please do not put meeting excuses for Thanksgiving day. Happy Thanksgiving!! ~Medical Chief Kade C1
  12. Just for a heads up this does break the EMS Guidelines. You may be put on reserves. @Marsgaming
  13. Kade

    Nice badge!

    Wonder who made it.

    1. Timm


      Thanks kadeeeeeee

  14. Darn. You were good. Have fun at PD and SRT
  15. Honestly. There should be a application to get warns from over 1 to 2 years ago removed if you really have changed. And SMT van decide if you have learned your mistakes.
  16. Name: Kade Steam link(be in the group): https://steamcommunity.com/id/kad3m0n/ Should I do a Christmas one: Yes!!
  17. Galaxy S8 and Desktop
  18. It could just be the device your are using forums on but it is centered.
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