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Everything posted by Kade

  1. What logo are you talking about @Syrup
  2. But the EMS Department has gotten better in rp and we have been declaring people dead so this would beat this rule if added back.
  3. +Support. Wonderful things all over bout this guy.
  4. I mean. At hated the feature because sometimes i didn't move but u was still active in the game. But it would make me afk and i would have to spawn all my stuff again. Its fine now and honestly spawn and bases aren't all that messy. -Support
  5. Yea get rid of those brit cars. We don't want them in our country. "Go back to your country!"
  6. Accepted Please contact an FTO or Low Command Member [LT+] to get trained and added! You are on the roster as a trainee! Also, please join our discord at http://emsdiscord.tk WELCOME TO EMS   ~ EMS Command
  7. Accepted Please contact an FTO or Low Command Member [LT+] to get trained and added! You are on the roster as a trainee! Also, please join our discord at http://emsdiscord.tk WELCOME TO EMS
  8. Dang, even though i didn't know you, you were very active and fun to be around in state.
  9. Due to the Advanced Medic Mod not being accepted, we are resulting in typing for more RP. These are the Guidelines for Healing people with the medkit. This RP is REQUIRED to be healed by EMS personnel. Healing Guidelines If a player’s health is 50+ follow these steps: (Skip steps according to health. Ex. Player’s health is at 74 you will skip step 1 and do steps 2-4. Heal to 65, do “/me Checks for injuries.” Heal to 75, do “/me Cleans small scratches.” Heal to 85, do “/me Bandages wounds.” Heal to 100, do “/me Patches and cleans remaining wounds.” If a player’s health is 49 or below follow these steps: Ask what happened and figure out what’s wrong with the person. Ask the person to get in the ambulance and go to the hospital. Bring them to trauma 1 and heal them up with the following steps: 1+ Health - “/me Examines patient with x-rays and other scans.” 30+ Health - “/me Gives Pain Meds” 40+ Health - “/me Fixes broken bones and large gashes. Go back up and follow 50+ Health Guidelines.
  10. Kade

    Rule Question

    If we wanna get technical i THINK there is barb wired fencing on top of that fence soooo in theory shoudn't it be FRP???
  11. Yea this is still not fixed for me and I have cleared cache
  12. -Support The quote button gives other features as well. The quote button is not the reason old post are getting bumped its the PERSON posting the quoted text.
  13. Accepted Please contact an FTO or Low Command Member [LT+] to get trained and added! You are on the roster as a trainee! Also, please join our discord at http://emsdiscord.tk WELCOME TO EMS    ~ EMS Command
  14. EMS Command Meeting
  15. EMS Optional Meeting @ 6PM EST
  16. ACCEPTED Join the discord @ https://discord.gg/QbstHWz Contact an FTO in-Game, Discord, Or Teamspeak to be trained EMS Application <rank> - <name> DENIED What was Good: <information> What was Bad: <information> You will be able to make another application 1 week from now. Not meeting the date requirement will immediately have the application denied. EMS Application <rank> - <name>
  17. Post these in the application section ▪Copy Everything below the line▪ ------------------ IG Name: Link to Steam Account: How many warnings do you have: What departments are you in and what rank: Why do you want to be EMS (150 Words Minimum): Who recruited you? (Put N/A if nobody did)
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