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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2022 in all areas

  1. Accepted Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
    3 points
  2. Just sign the petition https://forms.gle/PpFdcbjXGCTtmtDS8
    2 points
  3. In-Game Name: islandtoad SteamID: STEAM_0:0:146214010 Rank: Senior Admin/ Nu7 Captain Reason for leaving (If Private, Fine): I have been a member of the community for over a year and I have had a lot of fun and grown a lot as well as seeing the community grow. At this time I feel like I am no longer making a positive influence in the community and am just taking up slots. I will probably still be around every now and then, but as of now I just don't have the time to give into this server. For those of you who know me well, you know that "words are hard" so I'm not gonna do any shout outs or anything, but I will say that I greatly appreciate everyone who I had the opportunity to spend time with and I wish you all well. Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Yes Do you agree to contact your Head of Staff once your 48 hour notice is up? (NOTE: Failure to do so will result in a staff restriction) Yes
    2 points
  4. -Support French! Jk, +Support A little bit on the younger side but he's a good dude and I've never had any personal issues with him
    2 points
  5. Now after I saw the picture (https://gyazo.com/1c70f75cbb57ddf675f59b40546bd0f9) it shows me that David was obviously trying to make Prox mad, and it got the better of Prox. So for that I am going to be accepting this post.
    2 points
  6. -support if you add dropshotting onto this laggy ass server im resigning
    2 points
  7. 1. What’s your In-Game Name?: Hang 2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)?: STEAM_0:0:76022091 3. What is your Rank?: SM 4. Total strikes you’ve ever received?: 0 5. How many warnings do you have on GL?: 0 6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?: 8 7. Why do you believe you should become a Medical Command member (100+ words)?: I am an individual that can get things done. But can also learn to have fun and have humility when needed. I am an individual who actively attempts to seek out trainees I have experience already on the server as a former E-11 2LT, Operation Supervisor of Janitorial. (Now part of maintenance). I have also fallen in love with medical and seek to expand it to a massive degree, I am a person with ambition and actively seek to preform to the highest quality. I also am a former Senior Moderator on here, though I let my own actions speak for themselves. If I am a person undeserving, unbecoming of command. Believe me when I say I will happily accept a proper denial. 8-1. You have found a Resident Medic in HCZ, what do you do?: Context, Context matters a lot. I will obviously question why he's there, as he could of been held under gun point or taken by 106. Once I have determined the reason was legitimate, I will escort him back to LCZ. If not, then I will issue a verbal warning. If he repeats his mistake, i will fill out a punishment form for his demotion. 8-2. There is a Medic requesting to be trained for Field Work, how would you train them?: I will use my FM SOP for training, along with handing it over to the interested party. I will also make sure to note the important sections in the SOP. Once the person feels satisfied with the information, And after a quick rapid fire quiz. I hand over the whitelist. Once whitelisted I will show him how to load his defibs and also make myself open to questioning. 8-3. You see an Experienced Medic shooting D-Class in D-Block, what do you do?: Context, I will first question the experienced medic why he is opening fire on d-class, I will then use my own judgment to determine if a punishment is necessary. If it was self defense, the medic gets a pat on the back and will continue with their duties. If not, I will ask the person to leave d-block. Inform him what I intend to do then issue a proper punishment form for a strike.
    1 point
  8. What do you want to see? - Spawn to be moved to the back lot of the car dealer Why should we add it? - brings people closer to the car dealership, fewer minges in and around the Bank, encourages people to use cars to spread out more. What are the advantages of having this? - is less chance of people dying and instantly running back into the bank forcing gov to stay and preventing form real bank robbers from robbing Who is it mainly for? - everyone Links to any content - N/A
    1 point
  9. + soutien Grand homme français! Mon français s'est-il amélioré?
    1 point
  10. Hello "Chief_" why put the "_" in your name, already off to a bad start. (Talks in thick southern accent) So "Chief", you recently denied a ban appeal of mine, which is valid and acceptable, I mean, you do get to decide. BUT, you kinda forgot to put an explanation as to why. Hearts + Kisses, kindly put one, Alex.
    1 point
  11. +Support At first, I was a little hesitant to do this. Due to the short application and not so filled answers. However, I know Lafeleur is a hard worker, and doesn't give up when something is hard to do. Becuase of this, I feel that Lafleur would be a great pick for ET, and I certainly hope you get it.
    1 point
  12. Sad to see you go hopefully I'll see you around and thank you for being a great command member.
    1 point
  13. Thank you for your kind words and getting on FBI. btw floppa is better
    1 point
  14. + support Theres no way in hell David actually felt offended. David is not a child, grow up dude, I’m not trying to disrespect you here dude but at least give people verbals since I know there are some people who get offended for saying stfu or shut up. Like bro, you aren’t 10, it’s a video game, I get that it’s a roleplay server with roleplay rules but have some damn sympathy for once. No duh it isn’t a false warn, the guy is appealing because the whole situation is dumb… It would make sense if someone called another player a cuss word or a slur, but shut up? Please for the love of god don’t be a child and grow up. Stop jeopardizing this kids possibility of keeping his staff rank on another GL server.
    1 point
  15. Motherfuckers weaponized the candy... there will be retribution
    1 point
  16. +support The dude has been through hell basically keeping Warden's on his shoulders for the time being absolutely deserves SCMD for his dedication to wardens and GenSec as a whole
    1 point
  17. just a word of caution it doesn't really look good to be +/- supporting other apps that you're also participating in That being said, -support Needs more time and was recently banned for parroting a racial slur in someone's name, I'm not calling him a racist but poor decision-making like that is not something we need in SCMD, take time to reflect and grow better.
    1 point
  18. +support The best choice (in my eyes) for MAJ did fantastic things as CPT and has proven he's worth his salt
    1 point
  19. +/- support. I trained this man from the very beginning of him being GENSEC, have gotten to see him rise up from the underdogs. I do feel that some work is still needed before he would completely ready for SCMD. Though I do applaud him for making it so far already. I am not saying he can't be moved up to SCMD, because he easily could, he just needs some fine tuning before he moves up. I do feel he would make a great, friendly SCMD though.
    1 point
  20. The reason 8286 can only use his swep every so often is because it would be incredibly overpowered if he could kill 4 people in a row before being fear rp'ed. thats not how it's supposed to be played, players are supposed to be tactful when using that scp, choosing the right time to strike and take a new persons identity, trying to work their way up to HCMD/SF ranks. likewise, 682's charge swep has a cooldown because it would be incredibly op if he could be in a constant state of accelerated movement. these aren't QOL changes, they would fundamentally alter how people play those SCPs and would result in a change in how they are balanced with any other class on the server that has to deal with recontaining them. currently, they are already fairly balanced. 106 could use an update though i believe there is another suggestion that looks extremely promising regarding that one. Edit, my dyslexic ass read this as a reduction of the timer not as putting a timer on the screen. Would be a nice QOL change +support
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. +Support | Really nice guy, knows how to work hard
    1 point
  23. ACCEPTED Thank you for your report! The specified member will be punished accordingly by an SMT member
    1 point
  24. I think the main dilemma with this situation is the assumption of manager responsibilities. While it is recommended that managers converse with players regularly it is not required nor is it their first priority. It is actually recommended that they focus on other things and manage the SMT. If the managers responded to every message that is sent to them all the servers would be in a MUCH worse state. I think one thing that the players can do better to avoid all the complaints in this report is use Chain of Command. There will be VERY rare circumstances where a player or staff member will contact myself or managers directly. All of that should go through JMT or Head Admins first. In the future, to avoid these issues I would suggest not assuming that the manager has to do everything on the server (including answering every question sent to them). We have other SMT and staff for a reason. Now, if your complaint is that as a whole the staff team has not been communicating with the players enough then yes that is a valid complaint which can/will be addressed. Also, another thing. The reason that Coltable has not replied to this is that he is not allowed to. It is part of our SMT handbook. I will be locking this now as future posts will not add anything to this topic.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. My dude he's not the only one with personal struggles. We are also talking about the same dude that was even talking shit after being banned. You are very clearly biased as you admitted but you are biased for the completely wrong reasons. Personal shit happens to everyone I have literally known meeseeks since he was a lvl 1. The reasons for his blacklists were questionable! However we are talking about discord not Security! -Support
    1 point
  27. damn stonks and you was doing soo well lol, well see ya later man hope you have a great one brother man
    0 points
  28. 0 points
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