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Sainty's Marshal Commander Application.- Accepted


Should I get Marshal Commander  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I get Marshal Commander?

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What is your IGN? (In Game Name):
ST Vice Commander Sainty

Why do you want to become the position of Marshal Commander?:
There are MANY reasons as to why I would want to be Marshal Commander. To start off with, every since I first applied for Havoc Vice Commander I have had my eyes set on this position. I have been committed to army ever since I joined the server and have TONS of experience within it. I would love to work along side different battalions monthly ensuring they are active and performing well, as well as ensuring each battalion I work with has long lasting changes to ensure activity is improved LONG TERM rather than just temporary activity boosts. I want to help army maintain its dominance in the server with the highest activity out of Army, Naval and IQ. I have lots of experience (as stated earlier) and wish to use this to a further extent which I have not currently been able to do as both a Havoc Commander, and ST Vice Commander

What is the biggest thing you would bring to Army High Command?:
The biggest things I would bring to army are my hard work, dedication and activity. I believe I have shown this to AHC throughout my time as a command member. I have never caused any problems for AHC, I have dedicated my entire time on the server to army, this was seen as I was in havoc since I first joined the server, got vice commander, went into reserves, came out of reserves, got vice commander then finally got Havoc commander before Havoc got removed. Throughout this long period of time, I have never got below 25 logs per month I was in command, and since moving to ST, we have become one of the most active battalions on the server and worked the roster up from 38 - When I first joined as Vice to 64 - At the time of writing this application. Another point to add on as to how I am a hard worker, at the time of writing this, I am currently at around 46 Logs so far this month, which I am planning to get to 65 by the end of the month. This dedication shows that I am able to turn battalions from being inactive to active, which is what I want to bring into being a Marshal to help struggling battalions out.

What is the purpose of a Marshal Commander?:
The role of a marshal commander is a very important one, Marshal commanders are essentially there to help the commanders of each battalion out to ensure their battalion thrives, as well as army as a whole. It has many responsibilities such as the following:

Making sure command are keeping up with loggings: This is one of the four main purposes of being a Marshal Commander due to the fact that by keeping on top of command's logs, this shows that the battalion is keeping their troopers entertained, which has a direct correlation to battalion activity. Officers also have to do this, but due to the authority and status that command have, the loggings they do hold more weight than just a normal officers logs. If the command team are active, logging activities they are doing for their battalion, this will only positively impact army as a whole.

Having active command teams: I want to make sure that each command team I am overseeing is active. This is one of the more important ones in my opinion as I have been in battalions where the command team is not active. After speaking to other members of those battalions they made it clear to me they did not event want to jump on at times because there was no point for them to do so. I never want this to happen again with any battalion, therefore as a Marshal Commander, I will ensure that this does not happen.

Another main purpose of a Marshal Commander would be to provide scrutiny and opinions on picking command for battalions when applicants apply for command on the forums. This will be done in an UNBIASED way to ensure ALL candidates get an EQUAL shot at command, despite issues they may have had in the past.

Finally, this was mentioned earlier as to why I would like to be a Marshal commander, but another main purpose would be to make useful, impactful changes to battalions which will last for long periods of time and benefit the battalion and activity as a whole.

Why should we trust you to be Army High Command?:
I should be trusted as an AHC due to the time I have spent on the server, people have known me from the time when I first joined and got banned for MARDM, to being a Command member in two different battalions. Throughout this journey on the server I have learned to take it more seriously and a really useful member of army low command. I have also been trusted with many documents over my time, rosters etc like most command.

My dedication to the server: I have been extremely dedicated to this server over the past 6, almost 7 months since I first joined. I have committed over 1.8k hours to get where I am today in the server and I am basically on daily. I may miss one day here and there, however I never take LOA's and I am highly dependable to be active and making sure the battalion I am in is in a great state. I have made my schedule flexible and ensure I have time to both do university work and have time to play the server. Even if I was not on the server one day, I have always been available on discord to help people out and answer questions if needed. Furthermore, when Havoc was disbanded I had the option to transfer out to anywhere, and at that moment, I decided to fully commit to trying to become AHC by staying in an army battalion (ST) and trying to help improve ST and make everyone respect the battalion more like they should!

My dedication to the battalions I have been in: Throughout my command as a Havoc, I spent countless hours brainstorming ideas with other command members, working with other battalions and trying to improve relations throughout army battalions. I believe this was done extremely well and I was able to revive havoc the first time when Wheat had no command members, we managed to revive the battalion to where we were averaging around 6-8 players daily (which was huge for havoc at the time). Then sadly I had to go into reserves due to university swamping me with work - This will not happen again as I am through the main part now and have changed my schedule and learnt to prioritize my time better. I then came back after hearing that the battalion had completely died and we averaged like 2 players on daily, if that. Myself and scrubby managed to motivate players and come up with new ways to motivate engineers (Which it is very hard to find people who enjoy engineer RP SMH!) to the point where some days we actually had the most players on out of any battalion on at the time. We did that by working together effectively. The during my time in ST, I have come into the team, settled in and got to know all these cool people who I never even knew played on the server! I have tried to create a fun environment in which they have an active command which motivates people to play (This is seen through my 40 something logs so far this month). By doing this and help from ST command (Moby, Lydus) we have managed to revive ST and help the battalion become a far more respected group of people which we were not before. Now with the hopeful addition of Storm Commando's, the storm trooper battalion will be in more than a good state and could potentially even become the most active battalion!

I also believe that I am a highly approachable individual, I am very easy to get along with and rarely cause any drama. This is going to be a huge benefit for AHC as we can all work as a team effectively to ensure Army remains the best and continues to improve and not become stagnant. 

I want to make lasting changes which actually help battalions out!

How often can you be Online?:
I can be on DAILY from GMT time zone, this means early morning people will see an AHC on from the time they get up, and EST people will see an AHC on at prime time too! I am normally on for anywhere from 6-16 hours. This can be seen on my battle metrics: https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/979227623

Do you have any Warnings? (What for?):
Yes, I do have 1 warn from around 5 Months ago for MARDM x1 from the Emperor Bon himself when he was just a Marshal Commander. I have made up with the person who made the sit and we are friends now.

Thank you so much for reading this application, I know it was a lot so I am thankful to you for reading it all. Hope this gets across how much I want this rank!
- Sainty 🙂

Edited by SAINTY.
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  • Gaminglight Love 1

   Former: Grand General / Havoc Commander / ST Vice Commander

EX Imperial Army Branch Representative.

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+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


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Current Gideon Hask

Resigned DT Command AX4/SC0 [Command member for nearly a year]/Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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5 minutes ago, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


Good Luck Mr. Sainty!

  • Gaminglight Love 1

ImperialRP SMT & Head Admin

Former Marshal Commander

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33 minutes ago, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end



  • Gaminglight Love 1


30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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45 minutes ago, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end



  • Gaminglight Love 1

SCP/Medical Senior-Command/Manager/Head of Field Work 




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+ Active
+ Been around for a while, knows what to do
+ Extremely approachable and helpful
+ Puts in extreme time and dedication towards things
+ Loyal through and through.
+ Extremely good app
+ Helpful
- British
- Little short man

Best of luck Sainty!

  • Gaminglight Love 1

i am always correct and will always be better than you

#JusticeForTrojan #SlideForRacc #:3

Former: Imperial High Command | Deathtrooper Senior Commander | Senior Admin | Senior Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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8 hours ago, alaric said:

+ Active
+ Been around for a while, knows what to do
+ Extremely approachable and helpful
+ Puts in extreme time and dedication towards things
+ Loyal through and through.
+ Extremely good app
+ Helpful
- British
- Little short man

Best of luck Sainty!


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10 hours ago, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


Major +Support

This man is as dedicated as it can get. He has done so much for regiments like Havoc and Stormtroopers. Not to mention that he resigned from Havoc vice commander and came back and got Commander after he came back.

I am giving all my luck to you sainty!

Goodluck and Godspeed

Former Stormtrooper Captain
Former Nova Commander Comet 
Former Admin | Former GM Tick X


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12 hours ago, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


you better get it

Current: Shock PVT | Nothing

 Former: Shock VCMDR, Chief Medical Overseer(CMO), Admiral Garrick Versio, ARC JTO 1SGT Nex, Original ArK TrooVA, 
ISB Major General Nex (GM VIII)


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14 hours ago, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


he should have gotten marshall commander a long fucking time ago.... honestly one of the best Ex havoc command i love sainty! 

EX-Star fighter Marshall

EX-NCM Secretary


x-wing GIF by Star Wars

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14 hours ago, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end




High Admiral | Imperial Navy High Command

ISB-021 Agent (Hairline) Kallus 

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15 hours ago, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end

Good luck

  • Gaminglight Love 1
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16 hours ago, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


Good Luck My brotha 

  • Gaminglight Love 1

 Former Stormtrooper Vice Commander Moby
AKA The Shore Guy



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20 hours ago, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end



  • Gaminglight Love 1



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On 2/19/2022 at 5:39 PM, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


He's great at being a Ground command member

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Guy that used to play Starwars RP: Ceaser/Gold Roger


FormerGideon Hask


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On 2/19/2022 at 8:39 PM, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


Sainty is one of the best people on Gaminglight no cap.

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Ex Havoc ATL CPT | Ex Lord X / Purge LTCOL | Ex Tenn Graneet | Fortnite Professional and Current Darth Doodoofart (Yes he is a lore character)

Peanut Butter Dancing GIF by Super Simple


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On 2/19/2022 at 5:39 PM, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


give this mf marshal commander

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  • Gaminglight Love 1

Current: Outside enjoyer

Ex: Tenn Graneet/Vice Admiral || Purge BTO CSM Daddy || E-11 SFC MageZX || Security SGT MageZX || GM III || DT HVE 1SG SK3

onigiri eating GIF

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On 2/19/2022 at 8:39 PM, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end



  • Gaminglight Love 1

Ex: Seventh Sister and Second Sister

Star Wars Dancing GIF


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On 2/20/2022 at 2:39 AM, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


One of the persona i respect the most on the server. A hard worker. Good luck bro.

  • Gaminglight Love 1
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On 2/19/2022 at 8:39 PM, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end



  • Gaminglight Love 1

Imperial Senate Guard Taggart

Former: Star-Fighter Wing Commander | Shock Lt. Colonel | Gamemaster

Short People GIF

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On 2/19/2022 at 6:39 PM, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


Good Luck!

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Former: Pyke Underboss, Shock VCMDR, RG COL/SHG Lead, Agent Kallus, Admin, GMIII.

Current: Lord Kat.

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On 2/19/2022 at 8:39 PM, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


Good Luck Bruv Massive + Support

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Dragon - Former Fennec
Current: The Eighth Brother | Dragon

Insidious Clan Owner/Leader
Former: The High Inquisitor, Senior Admin X 2 , Second Sister, Sovereign Protector Ved Kennede, Ninth Sister, First Vice Sovereign Sun Tzu, GM V

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On 2/19/2022 at 8:39 PM, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end



  • Gaminglight Love 1
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On 2/19/2022 at 7:39 PM, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end



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On 2/19/2022 at 5:39 PM, ShadowNaval said:

+ this guys has done alot for Havoc
+ He helped Revive havc
+ Dedicated ALOT
+ Put loads of time and Effort into His Application
+ Only Suitable Canidite
+ Respectfull
+ Kind
+ Understanding
+ All in general a great guy
+ Good guy to vent to 
+ Knows what hes doing
+ Funny and cool guy
+ This guy has put so much time and effort into both ST and Havoc
+ Was with havoc till the end


lots of good choices this time but sainty is a good pick.

Current:  High General Suns
Former: First Brigadier General

Nova Commander Suns 
DT ZY5 [Admin]

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