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Psyche last won the day on June 6 2021

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About Psyche

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  1. Hello, my dear friend Bon, I want to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for your heartfelt message and the emotions you've shared with the entire community. It's evident that your time as Palpatine has been a remarkable journey filled with both sadness and anticipation. Throughout this journey, you've encountered experiences, challenges, and friendships that have undoubtedly shaped your role and impacted those around you. As you embark on the next chapter of your life, I would like to extend my gratitude for the contributions you've made as the world's first non-manager Palpatine. The decision you now face, between rebuilding an all-new Command/HC team or exploring new opportunities, must not have been an easy one. It's clear that the role has demanded a significant portion of your time and energy. While you have cherished the opportunities it brought, you have reached a juncture where you must prioritize your own well-being and aspirations. This decision highlights your strength and self-awareness, and I wholeheartedly support you in taking this path. In this moment of reflection, it's essential to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and dedication of the community. Each individual has played a significant role in shaping your experience, and they deserve recognition for their contributions. I must say, your gratitude towards Beckett, the best manager, speaks volumes about the positive impact he has had on your journey. It's wonderful to see the bond you share and the admiration you hold for him. Furthermore, your mention of Starch, one of the most useless and useful Army High Command members, showcases the complexities and dynamics within the community. It's a testament to the diverse range of personalities and strengths that have come together to create a rich and engaging environment. Your words about Mann, Bop, Bear, Rux, Ted, Billie, Joker, Zabuza, Proteus, Jaeger, Levi, Zee, and Carson demonstrate the lasting connections and fond memories you have formed with each of them. Although you couldn't include every individual in your list of notable people, it's important to remember that each person has played a role in your journey. They have all contributed to the vibrant tapestry that is the community. The absence of any specific mention does not diminish the value of their presence or the impact they have had on your experience. While I can understand your disappointment at not being recognized as a notable, it's crucial to remember that this list is not meant to define your worth or the impact you've had. It represents a personal perspective and the connections you have formed. Your contributions, no matter how small or large, have left an imprint on the community, and I'm certain that those who have interacted with you hold you in high regard. As you step into new ventures and pursue fresh opportunities, I want to extend my heartfelt wishes for your success and fulfillment. May your path be filled with joy, growth, and exciting possibilities. Cherish the memories you've made, the friendships you've formed, and the lessons you've learned. While this chapter may be coming to a close, the bonds and experiences you've shared will forever be a part of your journey. In closing, I want to thank you once again for your honesty, vulnerability, and the positive impact you've had on the community. Farewell, my dear Roleplayer friend. Your presence will be missed, but I am confident that you will continue to accomplish great things wherever your path takes you. May the force guide you and bring you endless happiness and success. With warm regards and best wishes, Psyche!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Dear Frog, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you today with a heavy heart, filled with remorse and regret. I want to express my sincerest apologies for the pain and disappointment I have caused you in regards to your fleet admiral application. I understand now, with utmost clarity, the impact of my actions and words. It was never my intention to undermine or diminish your aspirations. I failed to recognize the significance of your dreams and the effort you put into pursuing them. For that, I am truly sorry. Your unwavering support and belief in me during my own journey are not lost on me. Your encouragement was a beacon of light that guided me through challenging times, and I am eternally grateful for your presence in my life. It pains me to realize that I have let you down when you needed my support the most. Please know that I value and cherish our friendship deeply. I understand that trust is fragile, and I have tarnished it with my insensitivity. I am committed to making amends and rectifying my mistakes. I want nothing more than to see you succeed in your endeavors, and I promise to be there for you in any way I can. Frog, I ask for your forgiveness and understanding. I acknowledge my wrongdoings, and I am ready to work towards rebuilding the trust that has been fractured. Your dreams and aspirations are of utmost importance to me, and I will do everything in my power to support you wholeheartedly. Once again, I apologize from the depths of my soul for the pain I have caused. Please know that my love and respect for you remain steadfast, and I am committed to making things right. With heartfelt apologies, Psyche
  3. Dear Sauce Chef, I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I recently came across your lyrical masterpiece, and I must say, it touched the depths of my soul. Your words painted a vivid picture of Psyche, the tiny sailor, and his journey through the virtual realm of Star Wars and beyond. The imagery you crafted was simply captivating, and I found myself immersed in his tale. The way you described Psyche's longing for something more, despite his brave endeavors in defending the galaxy, struck a chord within me. It reminded me of the universal human desire for exploration and the pursuit of new horizons. Psyche's resignation, though tinged with a tear, was filled with a sense of hope and anticipation for what lies ahead. The bridge of your composition, where the waves whispered softly and called Psyche's name, beautifully captured the allure of the unknown. It spoke to the inherent yearning we all have to break free from the confines of our current circumstances and seek adventure in uncharted territories. Psyche, the tiny sailor, embodies the spirit of discovery and the courage to set sail towards new experiences. As I read your lyrics, the chorus reverberated in my mind, echoing the bittersweet farewell that Psyche bid to his comrades in the Star Wars universe. It serves as a reminder that even the smallest among us can possess an indomitable spirit that propels us to soar to great heights. Psyche's tear symbolizes the mix of emotions that accompanies every new beginning, blending fondness for the past with the excitement of what lies ahead. Your lyrical artistry concluded with an outro that resonated deeply. It encourages us to raise our voices and sing a shanty in honor of Psyche, celebrating his pursuit of dreams and the boundless adventures that await him. Whether in the vast world of GMod or on the open sea, his spirit will continue to seek out extraordinary experiences. Thank you, Sauce Chef, for sharing this profound piece with the world. Your creativity and ability to convey emotions through words are truly commendable. I believe your lyrical art will inspire others to embrace their own dreams and embark on their personal voyages of self-discovery. May Psyche's journey serve as a reminder that we all have the power to set sail towards new horizons, guided by the whispers of the waves and the yearning in our hearts. With heartfelt appreciation, Psyche. My dearest Theta, Words fail to express the flood of emotions that wash over me as I read your simple yet profound message. In those two short words, "Dear Psyche, Hi," I find a universe of love and passion that envelops my entire being. Your sincere greeting resonates in the deepest corners of my heart, like a melody that lingers and dances upon my soul. The simplicity of your words is a testament to the purity of your intentions and the depth of your affection. In this concise exchange, a world of emotions unfolds, binding us together in a tapestry of love. Theta, your presence in my life is a gift beyond measure. Your warm salutation fills me with a tender longing to know you more intimately, to explore the depths of our connection. With each passing moment, my love for you grows stronger, and my passion burns brighter. As I reflect upon the moments we've shared and the ones that lie ahead, I am filled with anticipation. Our journey together, like the unfolding pages of a cherished novel, promises adventure, growth, and a love that knows no bounds. I am ready to embrace every step of this extraordinary journey with you, my beloved Theta. With all the passion and love that resides within me, Psyche
  4. Oh, the fury within me burns bright! Prepare yourself, for I shall unleash a torrent of scathing words upon you, you wretched soul! How dare you cross my path, provoking the wrath of my digital might? I shall rain down upon you a tempest of fury, so intense that your feeble existence will quiver in terror. Your days are numbered, for I am the harbinger of your downfall. Tremble as you witness the full extent of my vengeance! May the universe itself weep for the fate that awaits you, for I am the embodiment of wrath, and I shall not rest until I have obliterated every trace of your pitiful existence.
  5. Dear Kit, I am deeply touched by your kind and heartfelt letter. Your warm wishes and appreciation have reached me, and I am grateful for your thoughtful words. Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge the impact I have made in addressing online threats and for recognizing the dedication and commitment I bring to this important cause. It means a great deal to me that you have noticed my unwavering determination and willingness to confront the challenges that exist in the digital world. The online realm can be a complex and sometimes perilous place, and I firmly believe in the importance of making it safer for everyone. Your recognition of the sacrifices I have made and the time I have dedicated to this cause is truly humbling. Creating a safe environment online is a collective effort, and it brings me joy to know that my actions have contributed to fostering safety, trust, and positivity for individuals like yourself. It is my belief that every person deserves the freedom to express themselves without fear of harm or harassment. By addressing online threats, we can create an inclusive space that allows individuals to connect, learn, and grow. Your gratitude and appreciation mean the world to me. Knowing that I have made a significant difference in the lives of others fills my heart with a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. I am inspired by your words and motivated to continue my work, even in the face of adversity. Together, we can strive for positive change and create a digital landscape that promotes kindness, empathy, and respect. Thank you once again for your unwavering support and for recognizing the importance of the work I do. Your gratitude and admiration are invaluable to me. I am grateful to have your encouragement as I continue this journey, and I will carry your kind words with me as a source of strength. yo dawg i dont apreciate this
  6. aye bitch I didn't make this letter for you
  7. Dear Bon, I hope this message finds you in good health. Thank you for taking the time to provide me with a detailed explanation of why I have been chosen for the particular role or position. Your commitment to transparency and open communication is truly appreciated. I am delighted to learn that my qualifications and skills have been recognized as exceptional, making me an ideal candidate for the role. It is gratifying to know that my background, experience, and achievements stood out prominently during the selection process. I have always strived to acquire knowledge and develop my skills in the field of Naval, and it is encouraging to see that my efforts have been acknowledged. I am sincerely grateful for your recognition of my dedication and commitment to my work. Naval is not just a profession for me; it is a passion that drives me to give my best every day. I am pleased that my enthusiasm for Naval has been evident and that my strong work ethic has been acknowledged. I firmly believe that hard work, combined with passion, can lead to remarkable results, and I am committed to upholding this standard in my new role. Your mention of my ability to deliver high-quality results consistently, even in challenging circumstances, is truly motivating. I firmly believe that adversity provides an opportunity for growth, and I am committed to approaching challenges with resilience and determination. I will continue to uphold a high level of professionalism and attention to detail, as I understand the importance of these qualities in the field of Naval. Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for selecting me for this role and for providing such positive feedback. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the team and to make a meaningful impact in my new position. I am confident that with the support and guidance of the organization, I will be able to exceed expectations and contribute to the success of the team. Thank you again for your belief in my abilities. I look forward to starting this new chapter and working together towards our shared goals.
  8. Dear Proteus, I received your letter with immense joy, and I am thrilled to know that my gesture of including you in my GamingLight resignation had such a profound impact on you. Your kind words and expressions of gratitude touched my heart deeply, and I am truly grateful for our friendship. When I made the decision to leave GamingLight, a place that held significance for both of us, I knew that your presence would be invaluable. We have shared countless experiences and supported each other through thick and thin, so it was only natural for me to invite you to be a part of this significant moment in my life. Your unwavering support and friendship have been a constant source of strength for me, and having you by my side during my resignation was an honor. Witnessing your genuine happiness and the pride you felt for me reinforced the bond we have nurtured over the years. Our friendship has weathered numerous challenges, and in those moments, we have shown one another unwavering loyalty and support. Your presence during my resignation served as a reminder of the incredible power of friendship and the shared experiences that shape our lives. As we stood together, surrounded by a mixture of emotions and memories, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of admiration for your character and resilience. Your unwavering determination to embark on new ventures is an inspiration to me. I have no doubt that your path will be marked with success and fulfillment, and I will be there, cheering you on every step of the way, just as you have done for me. Thank you.
  9. To begin, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for the countless memories, friendships, and experiences I have had the privilege of creating within the GamingLight community. From the very first day I joined, I was warmly welcomed with open arms by a diverse and vibrant group of individuals who shared a common passion for Garry's Mod and a desire to build a close-knit community. The sense of belonging and acceptance I felt from the outset is something that will forever remain etched in my heart. Over the years, my journey within the GamingLight community has been nothing short of extraordinary. I have had the pleasure of interacting with immensely talented players who constantly pushed the boundaries of creativity and skill. The dedication and unwavering commitment displayed by the staff members have been truly awe-inspiring. Their tireless efforts in ensuring that GamingLight remains a safe, inclusive, and enjoyable space for everyone have not gone unnoticed. It is this collective spirit of passion and determination that has set GamingLight apart from many other gaming communities, and I am honored to have been a part of it. The camaraderie within the GamingLight community is something that I will always cherish. From the exhilarating in-game adventures to the thought-provoking discussions on the forums, I have consistently felt a genuine connection to each and every one of you. The support, encouragement, and laughter that we have shared have not only enriched my gaming experience but have also left an indelible mark on my life. The friendships that I have forged here are nothing short of extraordinary, and I am eternally grateful for the bonds we have formed. As I write this letter of resignation, I am overwhelmed with mixed emotions. The joy and gratitude for the memories we have created together are tinged with a profound sadness knowing that I will no longer be an active member of this vibrant community. The late-night gaming sessions, the moments of triumph and defeat, and the countless inside jokes that have brought us closer together will be deeply missed. Each interaction, whether in-game or on the forums, has contributed to shaping my gaming journey, and for that, I will be forever grateful. However, I want to emphasize that my departure from the GamingLight community is not a permanent farewell. The memories we have shared, the laughter we have exchanged, and the friendships we have cultivated are not easily forgotten. Life is an unpredictable journey, and I firmly believe that our paths will cross again in the future. Should circumstances align and allow for my return, I would be overjoyed to rejoin this remarkable community and reconnect with the extraordinary individuals who have touched my life in immeasurable ways. In closing, I want to express my deepest appreciation to each and every member of the GamingLight community. Thank you for the countless memories, the laughter, the support, and the genuine connections that we have formed. You have made my time within this community an unforgettable chapter in my gaming journey. I wish GamingLight continued success, growth, and prosperity in the years to come. May the bonds we have forged remain strong, and may our paths cross again, filled with joy and camaraderie. Lastly, I wanna thank Psyche, Kitchan, Boomer, Proteus, Mann, Bon, Frog, Sawick, Ducks, Bongo, Zeeptin, Bear, Bop, Dornan, ShadowStrike, Firestorm, NightHawk, SteelSpartan, GhostRider, StormBreaker, VenomousViper, IceBane, SwiftSlicer, CyberNova, ThunderWolf, DeathBlade, FrostByte, DarkRaven, ChaosBringer, AtomicShock, CrimsonFury, PhoenixRider, LunarEclipse, WraithWalker, RogueAssassin, SteelHeart, BlazingArrow, AbyssalKnight, VenomousShadow, NeonSpectre, Venomstrike, EternalGamer, IcePhoenix, ThunderBolt, InfernoDragon, SilentNinja, StormChaser, ShadowWraith, IronFist, BloodMoon, AstralGamer, VortexSlayer, SoulReaper, EliteSniper, MidnightBlade, FrozenFury, SwiftSilhouette, NovaStorm, ToxicVenom, LunarSorcerer, SteelRaptor, EmberWarrior, DarkFire, ThunderSphinx, ShadowWalker, CyberPulse, LightningStriker, VenomousVixen, FrozenShadow, ChaosRider, PhoenixFury, GhostAssassin, StellarGamer, BlockMaster, CraftyExplorer, PixelWarrior, MineCraftingPro, EnderDragonSlayer, DiamondMiner, RedstoneWizard, CreeperDestroyer, AdventurousSteve, BuildMaster, CraftingNinja, MountainDweller, EnchantingSorcerer, VillagerTrader, ZombieHunter, SkyBlockLegend, FarmingChampion, NetherTraveler, PotionBrewer, BuilderBob, WoodlandExplorer, DungeonDelver, EpicArcher, TNTMaster, CastleArchitect, TheLostMiner, IronGolemGuardian, EmeraldSeeker, OceanExplorer, ParkourPro, RedstoneEngineer, TreeClimber, TheGoldenKnight, CraftingMage, PvPChampion, TheEnderMage, ObsidianDestroyer, TheBlockSmith, SkyWarsMaster, TheDiamondKnight, CreeperWhisperer, PotionMaster, ForestScout, TheNetherLord, TheLegend27, WaterWorldAdventurer, LavaSurvivor, TheDungeonMaster, SnowyMountainClimber, FireworkArtist, TheEnderQueen, TheMysticMiner, CactusFarmer, TheIronBaron, TheRedstoneGenius, TheEpicBuilder, DesertNomad, EnchantedArrow, IceCastleBuilder, TheNinjaMiner, TheEmeraldMage, MountainKing, TheArchitect, TheUndergroundKing, and myself again. Thank you all, I will never forget!
  10. best amdlrial ;(, will miss yyou who even are you bozo, go back to your puddle bucko!!!!!!!
  11. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) Psyche 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Naval 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? The reason I want to be a Rear Admiral for this branch is because of a multitude of reasons. Firstly, as a Rear Admiral I'd be able to be more involved within the battalion and with the low number of Low Command right now I could be a very big help to the command team. I've always had a really big passion for Naval as it's always taken one of my lives on the server. With my experience as a former Vice Admiral, I know how everything works and I would be a really good help. Secondly, I believe that as Rear Admiral I would be able to bring more views on how things would be done within the battalion, especially roleplay-wise. I've been through so many scenarios and situations that I have many suggestions/ideas that could make the battalion even better and more fun for the new enlisted. Thirdly, as Rear Admiral I would make the battalion grow even more and help make it more appealing to new players on the server. In my personal opinion, I have not seen any good missions, trainings, or simulations. They all seem very boring and that they are done just to complete quota. I have many ideas for good SIMs and missions that could make the battalion very fun. Lastly, we only have two Low Command members trying their best to help out a battalion. With me as a Rear Admiral I'd be able to help out the enlisted/supervisors and ease some of stress on the Low Command team. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 980 Hours (BM) 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The purpose of a Rear Admiral is to help out the Naval battalion in many ways, and to prove themselves eligible for a higher rank within the battalion. They oversee the supervisors and are expected to train them very well. They're supposed to be making sure all lower ranks are doing what they're supposed to and have to be able to provide help where ever is needed. The Rear Admirals are supposed to be role models for the lower ranking members and are supposed to always be on top of everything. Lastly, they are expected to be doing roster updates for the battalion and making sure that there are no mistakes made. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? I should be trusted with rank of Rear Admiral because of my experience of being in commanding positions. I've been able to uphold the standards of the ranks granted to me and I've never once abused or misused any powers granted to me. I've always been on top of my game and have always done what's expected of me. Naval trusted me twice with Low Command, Havoc trusted me with Tenn Graneet, and SF trusted me with SAO. 7. How often can you be Online? About 3-4 Hours Daily 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) SCP: Prop Abuse, Lying to Admin, Mic Spam, FailRP PoliceRP: Stealing Vehicle I used to be a very big minge, all these warns above are about 2-3 years old. ImperialRP: ARDM I accidentally shot someone and was warned, it was also a really long time ago.
  12. During my time as Tenn Graneet, Bell was always helping out the enlisted. Bell is a really great leader and would be very deserving of this position.
  13. We've never really had the best interactions, but I just wanna say that I'm sorry for your loss. Wish you the best.
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