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Seb's SWAT Resignation


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Dear SWAT. About a year ago some kid on TrueNorth was told by his friend to transfer from SRT to SWAT with him. This kid agreed and after transferring he fell in love with the department. This kid was me. I want to thank high command for the hard work you guys do everyday to keep this department running, low command for making sure everything is in order and the department enlisted for being with this amazing department. I encourage you to keep moving up in the ranks and keep trying! Obviously SWAT would not be what it is today, without all of you so lets talk about that!

High Command

Eternity: Even though you haven't been SWAT commander for very long it has been an honor serving with you! You have been doing a great job! Keep up the great work!

Nao: Nao or should I say the “Slow Weeb”. I just want you to know I don't like the Camaro and that furries are just like weebs but for real, thanks for everything you have done with SWAT. For all my time in SWAT I remember serving with you. Congrats on Co-Commander, you have been doing a great job and keep it up!

Drippy: Remember that time with your furry avatar and then you got called my furry apprentice? Good times… Congrats on your promotion man. You deserved it.

Low Command


Ghosted: Or should I say the Master Weeb? Bruh I dont even know what to say about you there is just wayyyy too much like that one time you made me stay up until what was it.. Around 2:30 at night and watch anime intros? Just for the record I got all the anime off my youtube page and replaced it with my hobby so yeah… fun. Thanks for everything Ghosted, It was a lot of fun patrolling with you other master! Keep working hard and I guarantee you will get high command back one day! ( Word of advice, if you ever leave SWAT make sure to get your master weeb note archived haha

Soul: We never really talked too much but I wish you well in the future! If you keep working hard you will get LT!

MiniEpic: Ah Mini… where to begin.. First of all congrats on getting a strategy named after you, I don't think that happens too much to people. Second of all, you are kinda sus… I can't tell if you're a furry or not which you should be pretty proud because normally I find that stuff out! Also when the EmergeNYC update comes out we are going to play! "I love furries because I the biggest furry wurry uwu" - MiniEpic 2021

ChipDail: You should also be pretty proud because I also couldn't tell if you are a furry ( I’m pretty sure you are i’m but not curtaint.. It was fun patrolling with you! Keep working hard!

Scruffy: SCRUFFYYY!!!! Get more active man!!!! Good luck in SWAT!

Techy: It’s been fun serving with you! Keep working your way up!


John Newsome: Simps for Conrad! Keep working hard and you will get Low Command in no time!

Conrad: Can you tell me what a “weeblet” is?


Noah Remix: You are pretty cool to hangout with! Keep working hard!

Jack: We haven't played much but I wish you luck in SWAT!

Tyler John: We are coming up on your first month in SWAT to that's cool! Congrats on your promotion last week! Keep working hard and you will be up there in no time!

RookieBlue: Unfortunately I haven't been able to patrol with you at all but from what I hear you are pretty cool! I know you will do well in SWAT!

Trump: Welcome to SWAT! You are still relatively new but I know you will also do good!


Alex Raddish: Welcome to SWAT! I hope you enjoy your time here just as I did!

Hunter: Welcome to SWAT! I don’t know if I got the change to patrol with you but I wish you luck in your SWAT career!

Bane: I don't think I have patrolled with you, good luck in SWAT!

Ragle: Ragle, you are pretty cool! I have had fun patrolling with you waiting for somebody to pass us doing something illegal!

Odyssey: I’m pretty sure we patrolled once or twice together. Good luck in SWAT! Work hard and you will go far!

Greg: Welcome to SWAT! You went on LOA 2 days after you joined so I haven't gotten to patrol with you. I hope things go well for you! 

Jeff: Stay away from the banana’s man. They are illegal! I’ll see you around!

Past High Command

Voxis: Man you knew how to get respect let me tell you that much haha, anyways I wish you good luck in the future and thank you for leading our department.

Freeze: “Ah no, thats- thats hacking.” Freeze, I would like to inform you I was not hacking and that is what happens when you stand in the middle of a window staring at the enemy in siege for too long. If anyone ever plays siege with Freeze, make sure to run BOSG because Freeze loves them!

Other Past SWAT

Ender: Lieuteeeeenant Brother!!! Also the official secretary of SWAT!

Edited by Seb
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Not mentioned big sadddd

Ender | Former SWAT Lieutenant | Senior Low Command | SWAT FTO | Previous PoliceRP Administrator 

COL Will 1L52 to admins: Max, you ain't going to scare them, you are on a female model and stuttering...

"So what're you doing?" - @SWAT LT Ender 22-D "Putting my clothes back on". - @SWAT SFC Nao 27-D

"There's a fine line between right and wrong. And somewhere, in the shadows, they've sent us to find it."

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1 hour ago, Mag1c said:

Sad Gamer Hours


PD CPL | FBI SA | DEA ASAC | DEA FTO | SS SO | Scythes Of Paradise Lord

People will do you wrong over and over, but the one time you call them out your suddenly the bad guy.” - Juice WRLD

"Yesterday, today was tomorrow. And tomorrow, today will be yesterday." - George Harrison


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This was too unexpected 😭

I will miss you a lot, it was fun patrolling with you and generally have fun (Furry Store xD)

Am I a furry... they'll never knowwwwwwwwwwww

Love you too much my guy ❤️ Come back soon I will miss you ❤️ 😔

🔵S.W.A.T Commander ChipDail 1K15🔵

“You need to beaware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” – Jim Stovall 

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