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Nucleus' EMS Resignation

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The day has come that we hate to come to... My Resignation from EMS High Command

It has taken a lot of thought to think about doing this and I feel it is the best for me...I'm sorry guys.

It has been a huge honour to have been able to work with you all in EMS and across the departments but it is time for me to go.

You all have great potential to go so far in this department. I remember when I first joined EMS on 12th December 2018, the EMS tac team invading the PD basement on the old map, such great memories in this department that I will never forget.

Alex - Alex, where do I start? The biggest minge I know (jk love you), you have always been one step ahead of me in ranks and you have done so much for this department. You will do so well for EMS and I hope you continue to keep striving forward with me out of this High Command.

Mjay - You were a great High Command member and I wish you the best in your future endeavours.

Seb - It took you awhile to get into High Command but you got there! Mom get the camera! You have amazing potential and you are a good leader.

Struftdot - All the threats you made to resign, and here I am resigning before you. I win! Haha, don't resign because I did. Keep up the good work and good luck with the job of SS Director.

BeHappy - You're a great guy and I hope you keep doing well in your departments, you always find a way to make me smile no matter how I’m feeling.

South - You put so much effort into being the first EMS tactical paramedic in interviewing candidates and creating a sophisticated roster. You have put so much time into the department and I thank you for that.

PBSpiralgamer - We have had our differences and fair share of arguments but you have great potential so keep up the good work.

Cheeto - It was great to work with you in the early days before you left for a while, I hope we'll both remember the EMS Tac Unit invasion of PD for a long time.

Ecott - You have amazing potential, you work so hard by putting so much time into being EMS and that effort will get you so far. Keep up the amazing work.

Qasmoke - You have banned me twice from the EMS Discord, You are a utter pain and nuisance. You will not survive.

Razonix - My original Chief when I joined in December 2018. I remember when Low Command fell apart and you managed to bring it back together again. There is so much I have to say and I can't say it all. You were an amazing Chief as you tried to keep us all working hard together, even when we disagreed and when things went south after you left as we all predicted would happen. You left us but I still need to add you on here. This was a late addition but I had to add it as it was bugging me that I didn't write a bit for you. You inspired me to strive for the best I could, I have been through so much in EMS since I came; I have been removed, reinstated, blacklisted and unblacklisted from EMS which is quite an achievement I guess but you gave that determination. Thank you. 

And to all the Medics, do good, be active and you will go so far in this department!

Alex, I hope you'll accept my request to  become a Reserve High Command if that is possible, if not don’t worry about it.

Edited by Nucleus
1 last mention (sorry)
  • Sad 3

Ex-SCPRP D-Boi | Security Officer | Senior Moderator/Admin | Ex-Discord Moderator and TS Support Member 

Ex-PoliceRP EMS Dep. Chief |  SWAT CPL | Head Dispatcher | FBI EAD | Interpol HoI | DOC LT | SS SSO | 

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Seriously though I do hope you have a great time with the rest of your life and I wish you the best of luck we will never forget you ♥️

Edited by thebigr
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~EMS Deputy Chief Ryan CX-2, Former SRT 2ndLT Ryan 1Q63, SM Ryan 1A28, Ryan UMC

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this is sad to see this. nucleus I hope that after you resigning that no-one will get in your path in the future. you have brought amazing potential to EMS and I hope that it will stay. As I see this I think "Who will be nice to me while I'm here..." (Lol JK everyone here is nice). I hope that the path you take is what you wanted and make sure that no-one will ever block you or stop you from doing it. it's nice to see you in EMS and a very little bit in FR... I hope you have safe travels, You will never be forgotten, my friend...

Head Para / FR AEFR - Cameron T

(you better be in staff as well! if not you'll get sad boi faces!)

Edited by Cameron T
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United States Airforce Vice Commander / Military Police AChief / Drill Instructors Co-Commander

Military Roleplay Senior Moderator / Teamspeak Supportspacer.png

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GG! Ill miss ya man! Ill miss being in command with you for the longest time, good luck on your future!!! (wheres my mention)

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MilRP: Spetsnaz SCOL | Retired SZ and DI Major General  || JvS: Retired Sith Council | Reserve Sentry Darth | Retired Administrator




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How could I forget the days of Us ruining PD for all those little mingy OFC's xD

I am genuinely saddened to see you go. 


All the best,


James / CHEETO

Edited by CHEETO
I cant spell for shit
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It's hard to say goodbye. Nucleus I am so glad I had the honor to have you as one of my Chiefs with RC-EMS. You truly made my short time here so far a great adventure and something I looked forward to. You were the one who trained me and did your best to make me a well-trained EMT for Rockford, and you did. Ever since I met you back in December of 2018, when I was just joining as an OFC with the RCPD, you strived to make me and the other people of the GamingLight Community better people, and helped make this Community a big family. I am glad that I am a part of that family, and you welcomed me into it. Since the first day I have met you, you have done nothing but treat me and others with kindness. You never got involved with drama or petty issues. You only got involved to fix things, and thankfully, you did. There is so much more I could say about you Nucleus, but to sum it all up, YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!! You have some REALLY big shoes to fill at RC-EMS, and I don't think many people on this server could fill them and do what you did, not only as a EMS professional on this server, but as a human and friend to all of us. I hope one day you can come back to us, and we will welcome you back with open arms.

Thank you for your Service Nucleus!!!!!!!!!!!

With love,

Emergency Medical Technician --- R. Gardner --- Echo 5

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It's hardest for me to say goodbye. It's why its taken so long to write this. I've drafted it 17 times and scrapped it. But here goes.

Nucleus (Anthony),

It's hard to say good bye to anyone that you speak to for hours online, it's harder to say good bye to thoes who you would call a friend that you met online. But it is more hard to say good bye to someone that you actually know in real life. It's honestly painful and hurts me to do so. I'm ashamed to admit this but I did cry when I heard about your resignation, but I suppose all good things, must eventually come to an end.

You have been a complete, dedicated service member (Except for the time Rhys Blacklisted you) and you have been loyal to EMS since the first day that I trained you back on December 12th at 15:33 GMT, I remember every medic I have ever trained, But I remember the ones that outstanded me. I trained @Etho., I trained you, I trained @Rhys. 2 of you were amazing High Command.... We know the one who isnt, cause he can't come back.

You have been threw it all, demotion, reapplying, promotion and repeat. You have had the courage to continue where others would give up. Your resilliance is un-matched and simply outstanding. I couldn't have asked for a better Deputy Chief. You went through adversity and you are now with the stars (Per Ardua, Ad Astra - RAF Motto).

But this isn't It, you are becoming reserve High command. You can continue where you left off and still have a large say in the direction of the department if you so chose to, which I hope you do.


Thank you for everything Anthony, Stay In touch.


Your Trainer, your Chief, your friend

Alex Rollin

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Nucleus, you have been in the department for a long time now and with out you EMS would not be the same. Here is a list of a few things you did, 

  • Discord Bot Commands
  • Fixing Roster (When it went bye bye)
  • Adding To The Roster
  • Changing a lot of the ranks so it could be more realistic 

Oh yeah, and forgetting to put my name on the roster and when I brought it up you responded with "ye, bye" and removed my high command tag!

(Gave it back after of course)

To make a long story short, you are a very dedicated Chief and have done so much for EMS and FR. Thank you so much for your service Nucleus, your work will not be forgotten.

~ Assistant Chief Seb

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