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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚

  1. Thanks for your time in SWAT frost, best of luck in empirial rp
  2. 1. tell me why your disliking everyone's opinion/facts. 2. the day and night cycle has been a story of comming and going, removed 9/10 times due to performance issues or othet unstated issues. Is SMT's decision.
  3. Accepted list: Lordinsider Swifty Amy Torty If you have been accepted, please contact a Field Training Officer ASAP for training! You have 14 days to be trained by an FTO. Failure to do so will have you removed from the department and you'll have to reapply. Denied : Grandpa -(message me if wanting to know why)
  4. Name: Freeze Rank: Recruit SteamID: STEAM_0:0:158167029 Discord: Potatoking1008#3248 SubBranches(s): N/A Things you wanna see in CI: Maybe some more UK/Europe FTO's as I see a good amount of people wanting to get in during early hours with nobody on to be trained Activity: Just instated, making sure Im as active as possible
  5. In-game Name: Freeze SteamID: STEAM_0:0:158167029 DiscordID: Potatoking1008#3248 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? I am frankly quite a new player to SCPRP as in a whole, I have been playing for a week now and know my fair share about the lore. I keep learning every day. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) Over the course of my time here I have seen CI being one of the more interesting "departments" to be in and find it how they operate and act in both professional and still have fun with one another a good thing. But why? For one, I can be active as hell during the Europian hours where there is not to much people on I can still represent CI and show us off. Next to that I have alot of experience when it comes to the whole routines of being in a department. From following orders to commanding I can do it all and with that I think I am a good choice. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? So besides that I am still learning I do not think it sets me apart. What does set me apart is that I have both the skills and the mindset to be what people ask from me. I can have a good joke but be 100% serious at the same time. Im a chilled back player in terms of going along with what people say and think and I feel its important to have a variety of personalities in a group. I know what I am doing and devoted to learn and play. How active can you be? I play both in GMT and EST time zones. I am the Commander of a department on PoliceRP but I can easily play on both servers as PoliceRP is more EST based. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes I do *Please note you can get removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for 3-4 days
  6. Accepted list: BOH UncreativeDaniel Dondi If you have been accepted, please contact a Field Training Officer ASAP for training! You have 14 days to be trained by an FTO. Failure to do so will have you removed from the department and you'll have to reapply.
  7. Accepted list: BOH UncreativeDaniel Dondi If you have been accepted, please contact a Field Training Officer ASAP for training! You have 14 days to be trained by an FTO. Failure to do so will have you removed from the department and you'll have to reapply.
  8. sucks to see you leave, goodluck whatever comes next for you
  9. Sucks to hear about your mother, hopefully she is okay. Good that you own up to it and apologise. Much more you cant do.
  10. (REAL) Application format: Name: Freeze Rank applying for: Commander Warns: 0 (Im a good boy) Are you in any other family/PMC?: No I am not other then the furry clan Reason for joining (50+ words): I am a furry skilled person that is known for his knowledge of the UwU and furry family. I have been trying to push something like this out myself but it just didnt work out. But you have shown me that its possible and I would love to join you on this mystical journey of wonderfulness. Skills that you could bring (75+ words) So as a animal lover I first defined the word "Skills" skill /skɪl/ noun the ability to do something well; expertise "difficult work, taking great skill" I believe it is used wrong as I define myself as non human and I take it very seriously, I am to be believed that my as you call "Skills" are for myself a term that I know and can do alot. Do you agree that UwU command can remove you at any time if they feel like its need?: I do think so yes Signature: (I have put way to much effort into this)
  11. Why is my name being mentioned everywhere. I drive properly, people or objects are just in the way all the time
  12. When it gets to annoying/mingy call staff or tell him yourself. This wil be hard to enforce bc everyone thinks different about what are "cancer" laws.
  13. +/- Support - I personally think the "why should I be a lt," answer doesn't exactly tell us why, you explain alot about leader ship and that were a family and thats about it. - 2-3 weeks is not that long so I recommend waitint a bit longer. Other then that, + Active + you know what your doing
  14. lol what does it matter if UMC keeps basing there. Rather see a gun store there. But gun dealers can still be there, we can make something up
  15. + Support Remove rule from hobo aswell cause it honestly just a minge job. + Adds RP and something to do when there is not much happening. + Just something fun and people actualy can show off in instead of playing shrek ear rape music through a self made starbucks microphone. + Good for economy.
  16. Accepted list: Josh/Zesty Alpha If you have been accepted, please contact a Field Training Officer ASAP for training! You have 14 days to be trained by an FTO. Failure to do so will have you removed from the department and you'll have to reapply. Denied list: Weasel -{ Message me if wanting to know reason} Sploxt -{ Message me if wanting to know reason} Josh Vacca -{ Message me if wanting to know reason}
  17. My apologies if it came over thay way. Was not intended. I just dont think its appropriate. Especially if its comming from SMT themselfs. And yes the way I said it could've been done better and doesn't help my case. Last comment il be posting here to prevent anything else. Please lock it cause I can already see this post going nowhere other then trouble for myself. Also for anyone that didnt get this. This is a apeal for the staff restriction not for my removal.
  18. Does that mean I cant appeal it? Doesnt say it anywhere. Nothing wrong with trying atleast or bettering myself. But guess it doesnt get appreciated in anyway. Thanks for the comment With people reacting aswell I guess this whole thing is a fk joke to everyone but to let everyone know. It aint for me. Take away retired staff tag aswell while were at it.
  19. to clear it up for anyone else reading. Was in a period of a month where this all happend. I dont know anything more then ive typed here.
  20. Steam Name: [GL] Potatoking1008 Ingame Name: Freeze SteamID: STEAM_0:0:158167029 Have you donated to the server? Yes, enough Staff Restriction Length: Permanent Staff Member that Staff Restricted you: No idea  Reason for Staff Restriction: No idea Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better): Alright so lets start of by me saying, if this would be accepted I will not apply soon for my own personal reasons. Alot has happend in the last months, some of you know some of you dont. Why should it be removed? Well I personally think that it overall looks bad on my name and I want to safe/clench my reputation/position on the server. I think or thought I was a good staff members, yes I had my ups and downs. Yes I made mistakes and I owned up to them. Other then that I do my job with care and love for the server. I wouldnt be here otherwise this long and still staying. I think the restriction was undeeded but deserved. If I ever will get back on staff, I will be better then ever before. I sometimes did my job not the right way but I think the better overrules. I want to end this chapter for once and for all. I dont know if this will be . Will be SMT's decision but for whoever reviews this. Im sorry for whatever I did and I'd be more then happy to own up to it. But I cant in the way it is now. So please take this in to review and give me your thoughts. Edit: Nobody has any idea what this is about. So just leave the responses. This is meant for SMT and no idea where to put it else
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