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Everything posted by Snarlax

  1. DENIED Concepts are a work in progress
  2. DENIED This is a whole new bank robbery system as well... The problem with this is that police and tactical teams are trained to immediately rush to the bank as soon as it starts getting robbed, which causes for many of the features in this system limiting for the bank robbers, and would make it extremely difficult for anyone to even rob the bank.
  3. DENIED When making this type of suggestion, the 2 sides aren't always police and criminal. Criminals can raid bases too, which makes it hard to find the perfect rule to benefit all sides
  4. ACCEPTED Vip Thief will spawn with 50 armor
  5. DENIED The reason we have this rule is to make things more organized, differentiating the families from the strangers in the prisons.
  6. DENIED This has been suggested before. For our player size, this would make it very difficult to tend to the fast rate of deaths within rockford.
  7. CLOSED If your class is a criminal job and it doesn't have access, please make a post under the custom jobs section.
  8. Snarlax

    Map Edit?

    CLOSED Things are being discussed. Nothing is official yet
  9. DENIED Not at the moment. Would cause unnecessary lag
  10. DENIED Lag... Lag.... LAG
  11. Snarlax

    Basing Rules

    DENIED With gaps, it is very hard to determine what is a wide enough gap and what isn't. As of now, it is staffs discretion
  12. Snarlax


    DENIED We currently don't have plans to add any new departments
  13. DENIED This rule is not a "requirement" for tac units. It merely states the time at which they are allowed to rush it. Tis merely a guideline to make it easier for the tac units.
  14. @noot You need to edit the doc to include the actual gun spawn codes. This is where you right click the gun in the q menu and click copy to clipboard
  15. Snarlax

    Border pator

    DENIED Not necessary... We aren't playing on a countries border...
  16. DENIED No more cars are being added for now. We have enough as it is
  17. DENIED Normal cameras are fine for now
  18. ACCEPTED Rule will be edited to limit the height and proper building locations for bases. As for sky bases, they are not allowed
  19. Snarlax

    Fix Radio

    Could you please explain how the radio is broken?
  20. CLOSED We will look over this, but it seems like the majority of these addons are still in use.
  21. DENIED Climb swep is unneeded at the moment. With the new basing rules, this would just add a biased factor to the police side.
  22. We make sure that our forum diplomats are aware of what is breaking forums rules and what is not. It is the forum staffs discretion if they deem a post not suitable for our forums. Don't break the forums rules, and no action will be taken against you Closed
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