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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. Remember boi. 2 separate servers with different style of gameplay and cc
  2. +support Was warned and banned for mass tranqing. I also had problems with him before on different jobs. Good and bad. But +support
  3. Yea, you also wouldn't know you failed unless they said what you thought you just made them forget.
  4. Heh. Broad games. I do like board games.
  5. What I say is that CC's that sudden in the foundation must have a reason to go to the surface. Cause right now there is only 1 cc that I know of that doesn't even inside of a normal foundation base/spawn. Which is iota-10 which only 2 have access to it me and jeffe which we don't play it to much. Cause e-11 are of site at can't call it in. Then the other mtf jobs that spawn in the foundation should need a reason to leave the facility. And must of the time I don't notice you guys leave as either I'm inside the foundation or Chatting with R&D. And I don't always call it in unless the is like 20 of you and few mtf. But if there is a few CI I don't usually call it in. But. I do agree that they should need a reason to go to the surface without the reason "scouting due ci or goi" +/- support. Also iota-10 is reverse Maynard style without ci comms.
  6. This place is meant for when someone breaks a server rule. People get accused of RDM a lot. So there no reason to warn him. - support
  7. Yes. If you feel like your being punished with no valid reason. Contact staff as they neeeeeeed to tell staff the reason why. Or else it's classified as false.
  8. I sprayed 1 Negev round into him. Only like 800-1k hp. So it would take 3 guys or 9 minutes
  9. The previous rule that was added for this was. If you rolled higher than 98 you would remember everything. So if some said 05-1 is igneous and you got 98+ you would rp remember that.
  10. Third times the charm. Or 3rd with the hairy treasure chest
  11. I agree but weapons that are silenced are silenced. You can't kill them for using it but. I do agree that the warn should be removed.
  12. Don't forget the post requirement
  13. Btw. You can't kill people who tranq you. Tranqs are classified as silenced weapons.
  14. NEGATIVE SIR I cant allow you to do this. A1 GET THAT MAN! /me Saluted
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