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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. Thought this was already suggested... Anyways +support
  2. Actually they are breaking the server rules. All could've gotten warned. Because they were teaming with scp's. -support
  3. Ok, this is what I say. It makes sense. But it can be very mingy. But if you guys don't have restraints and try to strip something you guys have to roll. And I did that with rang and lost so I found nothing. So unless you guys follow that (don't think you guys will get restraints due to possible restraint mingyness and rushing with it) +/- support (nothin personnel)
  4. Just gonna say that bans are staff discretion. Aka its up to staff. But it should be reasonable which I do agree it shouldn't be 1 week.
  5. Ok, there is a rule against RDA as you read in the handbook. So you know about that rule. So don't loophole as that is also against the rules. I do think that it shouldn't be 1 week. Maybe 2-3 days due to you doing it 11 times. The problem with jail is that if you leave the server it unjails you. So our manager said any jail over 1k seconds to just ban for. So you would've gotten a ban anyways. But +/- support.
  6. Btw the our who have access to console is usually hos+ or the owner. So -support
  7. Him afking is a different pt. He shouldn't afk. So if he is afking on staff you could physgun him if he is afk where you are trying to build then ok. But why are you trying to build next to the road as fbi? He did at least be on top of a building or in the staff room. Btw this will be my last post on here to prevent constant arguments. If you could answers those I'll edit this post to say +/- support. Thx. +/- support + Ryan did kill you while you were on staff - if you were, you shouldn't be afk on staff. Also why did it take so long to post this. If what Ryan is saying is true, this happened a week ago.
  8. God checks aren't allowed. It is classified as rdm/ardm on staff. You are suppose to ask them in admin chat or vc if they are in god mode. If they know your joking/doing it to them then its fine. But you can't do it out of the blue.
  9. Well. There was a competition held were d-class had to get up to the top of the tower. They tried to build staircase but didn't work.
  10. In-Game Name: Chief Steam Name: [GL] Chief SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105726197 Are you a Senior Moderator+? Yes How many posts do you have on the website (150+ REQUIRED)? 1,321 How often are you online on the forums? Every day really. When I am not during class unless I have nothing else to do. What time zone are you in? PST Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team (100 Words Minimum)? The reason why I want to join is, I have been apart of the community for a long time. I have been around the Forums noticing things that shouldn’t be there. Like people being racist or making inappropriate comments/posts on something. If someone MassRdm’ed on the Also, I constantly look around the forums in different sections seeing/looking at many different posts. I want to be able to use my forums activity to keep the forums clean. I want to be able to join the Forum Diplomat team so that I can keep the forums clean and held up to our guidelines on the forums. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? I would say I have good judgement due to me being a person who treats people as the same. Even if I know someone who is a great person to play with, but they say the n-word on the forums or something I would deal with it as I would with any other player. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shout box due to getting banned from one of our servers? IF they were spamming shout box for being banned I would ban them for 1 day for according to the General Rules of the Forum that if you post spam you would get a 1-day ban. May be extended if they have already received a punishment/warning for doing that before.
  11. I agree but. Is it possible. Its in the adob but I think we could just edit the code
  12. + Support for all reasons above Also, great guy and fun to play with on SCP. Active boi.
  13. But too op. But meh. Also we so have to contact swep creators to make it possible.
  14. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;----------------------------------------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I'm gonna miss you. BTW I'm still expecting a phrase on my Resignation post if I make one. Good luck soldier.
  15. Ok just looked in your ban history. Found this. Just wondering if you could explain a bit more. You went just banned by him. You also got banned by alsher for the same reason. Just try to think. But you no warns so supports your story a bit. Thx (my support still remains. Just pointing some things out) Also blacklist aren't appealable according to zeeptin but this ban seems sus. He had no previous warnings or bans. Should be checked out.
  16. One of the reasons valk is gone.
  17. Name: Chief Rank: Security LCPL
  18. I have seen you in staff a bit but not to much.
  19. I find it funny (good way) about what you did for that lol. But what that is for is, when you are applying for a rank of admin. You need permissions listed on the app format post.
  20. Should know not to reply to apps.( I think that's still a thing) But +/- support for reasons above. Soz bud. But gl.
  21. I think that's true. The weapon now takes 2-3 hits to kill a so instead of one. It does arms 50 and when multiple gensec are there is hard to kill them. It gives d-class a chance. -support
  22. Dude you still ltaped so that's a ban.
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