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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. What I'd say it's if he is roughly next to you then yes. Like 076-2 kill area. But if he is down a hallway. Then he can't.
  2. +support They would raid during the mtf meetings and its ever they leave where the meeting and try to listen or stay and listen.
  3. True but. Only jmt+ and et leader
  4. Probably that they would get duplicated and couldn't be used.
  5. OOf The thing is that he can still be killed. He doesn't get a gun. While 999 is invincible and can heal anyone. I agree with the infantry medkit idea.
  6. -support Ban appeals are not appealable. You have had multiple chances before you got to 40 warns. You had chances to appeal false ones.
  7. Staff are here to help. If someone body blocks call staff with proof.
  8. What dispute means is why should you be unblacklisted form the job
  9. +support - Great Application -Tons of experience -nice guy -funny -Does well in sits - support -ok with being called out on things he messes up on so he can improve (everyone can improve) -some names should not be used as they are considered "immature or mingy" (but some are ok) -tbh you shouldn't really use your old application. If you ended up writing this from scratch then it would be better. -need to make sure to read chat ( this is my suggestion to all staff ) Overall + support
  10. +support all reasons above -I think you will be a great addition to the staff team with your experience.
  11. -Support Your admitting that it isn't false. This is for false warnings. Sorry.
  12. Ahhh ok. So, 1 you shouldn't be warning people if you are an event team member. And the person who got warned will need to appeal this warning and you can say that you didn't mean to warn him.
  13. Prob will happen as they shouldn't have it. +support
  14. I'll have to wait for what gamik says. But bans are staff discretion. There isn't a set time for each offense. So every admin bans differently. Also gamik is a SA. Not a mod. Also just because you don't think something is racist. Doesn't mean is not. @gamikzone -support
  15. Makes sense. Cause right now only 05 can activate it. With the server getting more chaotic we may need to use nukes more. ANd the DOUSR and the DOC know their site. They both should know. I fell like the DOC should mainly have the power to do it but if there is a DOC on and a DOUSR on. The DOC should be contacted first if the DOUSR is going to activate the nuke as the DOC knows if its MTF force can contain the breach. If there is no DOC on then RIP the site cause hoovy is gonna wrek us.
  16. HAHAHAHHAAH FUnny. He got banned last night due to massive racism. perm ban.
  17. Its not. Also the hit reg sucks for almost every weapon
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