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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Gaur

  1. Accepted Speak with me and only ME in TS, Not anyone else.
  2. Denied Become more active on the forums. (Posts)
  3. Maybe just for PoliceRP cause Mil and SWRP have a bigillion battalions
  4. It’s cause the images that were uploaded are huge, ima switch them out later or just remove them
  5. I am afraid that would be flooded with people requesting tags for no reason and the only people that could manage that would be HA+ anyways
  6. Gaur

    I am simply done.

    Make some suggestions about new items to buy, im sure Snar would love to add stuff.
  7. Gaur

    I am simply done.

    I lost over 40 Million, every car in the server, every gun in my inventory (They were useless to me anyways) AND I lost Snars Love ? I had it worse. In all seriousness, sorry you are mad about the economy reset. The eco was f'ed up!
  8. Then forum diplomats would be able to issue bans. I would also have to heavily limit who can get into Forum Diplomats, and im telling you if we allowed some peole to warn then i would have to straight up remove 60% of current forum diplomats.
  9. *Super Slow Clap* Wow, you really did your self in there didn't ya? Also, this seems to be a common thing with PoliceRP staff is warning yourself xD
  10. @Vikander Let's keep your opinion on Valk to your self (especially when it's disrespectful) when it comes to dealing with something professionally like ban appeals. I would expect no less from a staff member. You may put your + or - Support, but give valid reasons, don't make it personal, and don't disrespect anyone.
  11. Gaur


    Honestly, if you were banned for the reason of "Bullying" then I doubt it was a random Valk ban. Because in all my time here I have never seen Valk ban someone for "Bullying" that wasn't harassing a player or dissing. Valk did some wrong, but I will stick up for him when it comes to his bans for "Bullying" Also no evidence -Support
  12. Uhh, we are not gonna take CERT from state and put it as PD. We should make SRT part of PD instead xD. We were here first (ಠ_ಠ)
  13. If you are not involved in a RP situation you can use your numpad to open up your fading doors. If you are in a RP situation then you must use the keypad
  14. PD Lobby is open to the public. However, if you are asked to step out by an officer you must comply.
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