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Everything posted by Jeffe

  1. Im working on it, just my GMOD machine semi broke
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWOSgImiRw Where's the credit to X B?
  3. RoCkFoRd CiTy PoLiCe DePaRtMeNt SpEcIaL wEaPoNs AnD tAcTiCs CoMmAnDeR mYaNdAbEaSt
  4. You forgot the part when I lit on fire in the middle of the interview and just said “Not Again”
  5. +Support only downside I see is would be hard to enforce
  6. Hi my name is Jeffe I move the Aventador up to Commander to piss of Blitzton
  7. Super Mega +Support The is a great guy all around, both in the staff team and as a friend, he is always working to make sure that everything is run smoothly and everyone helps out and knows what they need to do. He also has amazing work ethic and does everything thing he can to help out for the server, such as his keycard guide for the doors.
  8. can we make this for all servers?
  9. agreed, -Support BrycE, since you've joined SCP-RP the only experience I've had with you is calling staff every 2 minutes and complaining with the Staff's decisions regarding your calls, please let the staff do their jobs and not complain as much
  10. Reserve Ranks Guidelines Shoutout to my boy Site Director Kade for making these The point of this new addition is to prevent the blatant bypass of the two life rule. "Reserve" lives are seen to not count towards RP Lives, allowing players to if they wanted to be reserves in every department, allowing them to essentially play on any job. This addition is meant to fix that issue. If any issues arise with this new addition, please speak to Site Administration or SMT. So the following rules are the new guidelines for reserve ranks, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. -For ANYONE to be put on reserves they MUST be Low Command+ in THAT SPECIFIC branch -You CANNOT get on a reserve job AT ALL, you will be striked and/or demoted if found playing on the reserve rank/job -To play on a reserve job, you must have a free life, then you must go to High Command in that branch and ask to be reinstated, you will then be put back on active duty and remove from reserves -The max rank for reserves is the rank that the person is currently holding at the time of being placed on reserves -Only the Head of a Branch or Director may place someone on reserves -Deputy Site Director+ are exempt from all of the above rules Most importantly, Everyone currently on reserves must be prior low command+, if they are not remove them NOW, you have 3 days to do it, if they are not removed High Command will be punished Sincerely, Site-O5 Site Administration and the Supervisor Council
  11. -Support no real place, we already have CI and D Class releasing every SCP every 10 minutes, we don't need more people to do that
  12. Igneous, if we do switch to TFA I can advise on the weapons to use and buff/nerf since I was using TFA on MilRP since 2016
  13. @Jet TZ https://gyazo.com/3c68e16d7f2b5fc0d35774e388c9ddbb
  14. Sorry, but going to be a -Support from me I think you are a great guy and all, but to me you haven't been in the Senior Admin position for enough time to be an SA, I also believe that you could do more work on the in game side of things as I mostly see you on TS only, even when I'm on at times that you are online. It's nothing against you, I just believe that there are better choices for SA, overall I feel you just don't have the time or experience to be an SA (You have only been with the community for about a year, and probably even less as staff)
  15. Voxis approved = Jeffe approved ?
  16. you realize that SMT can change the path right?
  17. Jeffe

    Ash's Ban Appeal

    @Igneous told me to ban you, so you might want to ask him (Sorry for Ping Igne), I questioned it a bit when he said a perma ban for what you said but I listen to what I get told by my higher ups
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