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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Pills

  1. +Support oops misclick I meant -support!!!! (I fully mean +Support)
  2. +Support thoses screens lag people's games HEAVILY
  3. well some admins decide that it is just not a thing. it is technically not but it makes sense in RP +Support for a 60+ roll
  4. Hello, my name is Pills and I have played SCP-RP for about a year. I have tried the other servers but haven't really been that motivated to play them... until now. I am a maintenance (or Janitor if that helps) Senior Command and CI military low command (or raiding branch if that helps). I would like to know what I should check out when I try (again) to play these servers. Any recommendations of any branches I should join or any tips would be cool. (You can also put clips too)
  5. Your in game name: Ahoy (Pills) Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:526542188 The player's in game name: MTF Nu7 CO Migato The player's steam ID (required):STEAM_0:1:549343388 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 9:50 PM EST 10/4/2021 What did the player do: LTARP/FailRP Evidence (required): https://streamable.com/41mdeb What do you believe should happen to the player: 3 Day ban + warn Any extra information: okay
  6. +Support omg its happening stay calm everyone stay calm
  7. +Support I don't believe this needs a +/- support. That is why nobody responded when you originally made this.
  8. +Support I believe the warn would be FailRP x2? For shooting an non-killable SCP multiple times and trying to cuff SCP-131 A (Abuse of SEC Heavy). Correct me if I am wrong
  9. +Support I mean yeah sure good app and everything
  11. he is an "OG" player in a sense. +/- Support since I believe you just came back
  13. Name: Pills Rank: IA Call Sign: IA03 Discord#1234: Pig#5405 Suggestions/Complaints/Concerns/Extra: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Do you wish to remain apart of R&D: Yeah
  14. Pills

    Banned for Racism

    - You also have ARDM in the sit. Meaning you just didn't care about it.
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