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Everything posted by Pills

  1. Jummy loves traps I agree with the comment below
  2. +/- Support until @Toasty gives his side
  3. In Game Name: Pills Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:526542188 Squadron: Guardian Current RP Ranks Held: Delta-5 2LT, CI 1LT/DHHS, CI R&D IA, Epsilon-11 CPL, RRH Engineer Preferred O5 to guard: O5-5 (Hoovy) but anyone is cool Warns? 0 (https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199013350104) Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I want to transfer to Guardians because I am no longer maintenance. I want to switch because I want to stay in RRH. I have had much fun and met new people still. I like the RP and think I am a good person. There is some similarity between Engineer and Guardian which is escorting. I believe I am have some clue of what I am doing and think I could do well. I just want to stay with these people. Why should we accept you: I am dedicated to my role as a Delta-5 Command, CI Military Command, and other roles. I am on everyday for a long time. I believe that I would be a good transfer from Engineer to Guardian as I also have no warns and a long playtime. I take RP scenarios seriously and will not minge in this "new" position. I believe I do very well in all of my positions and I could fulfill any duties assigned to me. I will try my best to accomplish any task assigned to me and encourage others to do the same. I believe I am okay at combat or at least not bad. I hope you consider me in this position! Also apologize for the short application. Have a great rest of your day/night!
  4. 1. Lots of CCs don't have it. 4 of them do. 2 are non-combatant CCs and 2 are combatant CCs. All barely are played unless for AFKing. So it wouldn't really matter. 2. Your dispute for the original suggestion is against Bio-Engineers who had this as a main gun but do not anymore. So the only benefit is for D-Class/GOI/SCPs/Anything else that tries to kill the Foundation and the disadvantages is CCs, Director of Research and Security, Department Head, and SEC LW will a worse gun.. I just don't think it is really needed. Lightweights aren't too hard to fight imo retaining - support from above.
  5. +MASSIVE SUPPORT Reasons in above responses.
  6. +Support loads of reasons ravarT!!!
  7. -Support (TY Train Overlord for explaining it so well)
  8. +Support when are you making your combat montage?? This guy is overall experienced and trustworthy to be a RRH Guardian.
  9. No more Bio-Engineer Kriss Vector. Nobody uses it anymore T - T -Support
  10. +Support I don't want you to fly me to the moon. I dislike going across a long ass hallway because I was shot while jumping.
  11. Neither does Vladimir Putin and the TF2 Characters but HERE WE ARE!!! +Support
  12. +Support Their gonna have to glue you back together. IN HELL. Like the idea.
  13. +Support Patch Notes: 1.9 "GOC Branch Update"
  14. +/- Support 400 HP is a bit much. But a buff is needed for it
  15. +Support 173 and Covert Agent 1v1???
  16. +Support bad gun needs buff especially because it is minigun jobs.
  17. -Support love the idea needs a lot more work and thought put into it (If changed so will my support)
  18. 1. -Support 2. Could you give a recommendation on what HP amount you are talking about?
  19. -Support Honestly this would increase the rate that 8286 dies. Minges could say they are 8286 when on a normal job. Would be cool though
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