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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Pills

  1. +/- Support Activity would be nice good command member otherwise
  2. Pills

    Jacks LT App

    +Support this man is very nice
  3. -Needs more activity -reasons above +/- Support leaning to -
  4. +/- leaning towards + You minge a bit much but that is about all
  5. +Support has great potential
  6. +Support would be a great 2LT/1LT
  7. +Support what he gonna leave tho
  8. +Support Although Red light Green light isn't a game Squid Game made up... (I understand if you mean if you are caught you are killed)
  9. What is your in-game name?: Pills What is your steam name?: Ahoy What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:526542188 What is your discord username: Pig#5405 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Yes, I am a former Moderator on this server. I did lots of sits. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) ~9/06/20 (To my memory, I do not remember initial join date) What date did you make your forums account? 9/12/20 How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? 0 warns https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199013350104 What is your donor rank? Platinum (ET) Are you a staff member in another community? Not Have you read the staff handbook? Yes! Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Why do you believe that you deserve the rank?: I am active being on almost every day for a long period of time. I am extremely familiar with the ULX commands being a ET and former staff member. I want to join back because I think I could do good as a staff member. I think since I have former experience I would be a good pick for staff. I help others with the rules often and try to help others with following the rules. I am very active and dedicated myself to my branches. I at least believe I can take sits to the best of my ability and try my hardest to moderate the server. I rather not write fillers and stuff that is repetitive so I will keep it short and simple. I am experienced, active, and a dedicated person and that's why I think I deserve the rank. If you disagree simply vote no and put a -support with the reasons so I can improve myself in that way. Scenario Questions: Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would ask them to stop and to calm down. If they didn't I would gag the player. I would tell them that they are getting punished (if there is valid proof) and would give them a formal warning then either ask a Admin+ for a 5 day ban or put a ban request in the discord (with SteamID, reason for ban, etc). If no evidence is shown, I would return the two players. Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation? I would first separate each player then ask 1 by 1 their side of the story. I would request to see evidence of the report. After going through their POVs, any evidence presented, and see if they have been reported for similar things in the past. After reviewing all of the evidence, I will then check and make sure they have all calmed down. Gagging all of those who haven't. I would then explain what the course of action I will be taking and what is happening to those involved. (Warning someone for RDMx2, returning someone to a previous location if needed, etc). I would then ask if any of them have any questions. Like why I chose the punishment, what rule is that, etc. I would refer them to the MOTD, for those need to re-read it. And to try my best to make sure they don't do it again. Thank you for reading my application and have a great rest of your day/night!
  10. -Support Some minge would go around abusing this and striping everyone's comms or giving CI comms. I don't even know if SMT would be able to implement this.
  11. I will wait until @ATLAS2130 responds to say anything. I mean it is quite obvious you had enough guns to FearRP. My only concern is you guys were a bit far for it.
  12. +Support -Good Command member when he is not minging -And
  13. +Support While you could have just called a sit in-game. I believe the evidence is clear. Not to mention he has had multiple warns throughout today and that past few days.
  14. Pills

    /drop Command

    This is due to the fact that QM "drops" them to people. Not a bug I do not think
  15. -Support Nobody would join Security to help. I'll be honest people will just abuse the system to AFK on SEC. SEC HCMD would also be the one to make these changes so you should contact them. Everyone else is going to complain so they would want this for their branch too.
  16. Your In-Game Name: Pills STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:526542188 How long have you been playing on the server for?: 9/06/20 (When I got trained for maintenance, I do not remember my initial join date.) List all of the RP ranks you hold on the server: Maintenance Manager, CI Military 1LT, CI R&D Initiate Agent, CI Deputy Head of Hotshots, RRH Engineer, E4, and E11 CPL What Command position are you applying for? (list two): LTCOL/MAJ Why do you want to become Delta-5 Command? (250+ Words): I want to become a LTCOL/MAJOR because I think I am good for the position (more on that later). I really want to be in a branch where I could meet new people. I have/am in command position(s) and really would like to be in one when joining this branch. I really hope to make a branch into something better. I want to join this MTF branch in a command position as I have been in non-combatant branches. I have only been in CI (to command) and E11 (to CPL). I would like to join something that can be changed for the better. I want to try really change things in a branch. I suggest lots of things for CI/Maintenance and want to change the branches for the better. I want to meet more people and have fun with others. I have met so many new people by joining a branch. I met so many new people in maintenance and CI. I want to maintain a branch and be a MTF rank that can be meaningful to people. I also think that with all the people that want to join the new branch, I think I am a good pick to deal with the new players coming in. I could deal with anything responsibly and respectfully. Though I do not have experience as a MTF command, I think I would do well as Delta-5 command. I overall want to be command because I think I am a good pick, I want to meet new people, and because I want to doing things for the better. I feel as I could do well in your branch. Why do you feel you are the best option for this position? (150+ Words): I feel like I am the best option as I was an overseer in maintenance command. I watched over maintenance command and did my best to oversee the branch. I am currently overseeing all Enlisted/NCOs in CI Military and Maintenance. I have been overseeing as 2 special forces (as listed above). I do not wish to use this info in bad taste. Just to give a visual about what I oversee. I can host lots of PTs, patrols (if we do them of course), and any other duties required of me. I am really active and I think I would do very well in the branch. I think I could do good as a Senior Command+ Member of Delta-5. I have overseen FTOs in maintenance and I am overseeing Hotshots as heads of sub-branches. I feel as if I am good at my job but laid back a little. Why should we trust you for this position?: I am trusted in many positions like Maintenance SNR command, CI Low Command, etc. I think I am a pretty trustworthy person. I hope you trust me. I do not wish to waste your time with more writing and another long paragraph. But I do want you to at least consider me. Do you have past leadership / command experience? If so please list them: I was a former Foreman and Head of FTOs. I had only resigned because of school. I was a SFC in CI doing lots of raids and was a former R&D SVR or a command rank. You are in LCZ and Security is requesting assistance due to a Mass D Block Riot; however, Chaos Insurgency has been called out for taking a SCP in HCZ. What would you do in this situation, and why?: I would tell the Security that Delta-5 will be there after dealing with CI. Delta-5 specialize in dealing with preventing GOI's from taking and testing on SCPs (I believe). That is a major internal affair. But if we had a lot on (say 8 Delta-5), I would try to split the Delta-5 at a 3:5 Ratio. 3 to deal with D-Block and help Security, then sending all remaining to deal with CI. You come face to face to a Junior Researcher in LCZ. They are going on and on about a suspected breached SCP nearby. They do not seem trustworthy and have a bad track record. What do you do in this situation?: I would ask for their ID and if they failed to provide a valid ID, I would go upon to cuff them. Then dealing with the Non-Foundation staff member accordingly. If they passed the ID check. I would ask them which SCP it is and where it's last sighting is. If lying I would take it to their command about trying to "troll" MTF. If found breaching them, I would take it to their command. What would you do if those under your command are not following orders and are breaking the SOP?: I would bring them a side and talk to them. If they ignore me and continue off, I will deal with it by giving them a strike for ignoring command, breaking SOP, and not following orders. Depending on the severity they will get a more harsh punishment. If they do comply, I would give them a verbal but depending on severity of SOP breaking give them a harsher punishment. How would you react to someone asking to be put into Delta-5 without a tryout and to be fast promoted?: I would tell them that they shouldn't rush things. If they deserve a promotion they will get one. They should attend a tryout and see if Delta-5 is what is best for themselves. Explain how you would react to receiving an anonymous tip about a GOI group: Be very cautious as it may be a trap for said GOI group or another GOI. Take all precautionary measures. If turned out to be true be ready to combat the "ambush". Assuming that this is talking about RP. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member of Delta-5 and to represent Delta-5 to the public?: I will Do you promise to be committed to Delta-5 and to lead by example if you are accepted into Delta-5?: I will Do you promise to treat others with respect, listen to superiors, hear out your subordinates, and live up to your name as Delta-5 Command?: I will Have a great day. (I am aware of the life limit and am willing to give up a life to join)
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