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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Pills

  1. This is a tutorial on how to find someone's Warns, Bans, or SteamID. The following is a text tutorial and if you would like a video tutorial there will be one linked here. 1. Grab their SteamID, Steam64 (Dec), or Steam Profile. (Exp: STEAM_0:0:526542188, 76561199013350104, https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199013350104) a. Get these by either rp_lookup in game, searching up their username (if it is distinct enough), or get it through them themselves. (For example someone using Steam64 (Dec) or profile instead of SteamID. Steam Profile has Steam64 (Dec) in url) 2. Use a SteamID lookup website. (Exp: https://www.steamidfinder.com/) a. You can use any of the types of SteamIDs in the lookup as long as it is that person. Path A is for SteamIDs and Path B is for Bans/Warns Path A (Follow steps below) or Path B (Skip to step 6) 3. Grab SteamID via ctrl+c/copying (Exp: STEAM_0:0:526542188) 4. If using for Google Docs, Slides, etc. Follow then step 5. If not, you are done! 5. Paste SteamID into browser like below. Then crtl+c the SteamID from the browser. Path B 6. Grab SteamID64 (Dec) via ctrl+c/copying (Exp: 76561199013350104 or the number part of the link here https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199013350104) 7. Go to the Bans section of the forums 8. Go to Profiles section (Inside Bans Section) 9. Replace your SteamID64 (Dec) in the URL with the one you have crtl+c before via crtl+v/pasting.
  2. o7 Hope to see you around soon!
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EzHuTM5vgOqRVe23sIbbscwIMpdOj7B6G3JJati0sUM/edit?usp=sharing
  4. +Support get this man cancelled!!.!.!.! Olbap is was a joke lol
  5. I'm personally disagree. Not everyone logs everything and I even struggle to log things. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +/- Support -Cool Guy -Active I personally think you just need a little more time like a week to be ready for command
  6. -Support You recently came back to the server. I don't know you. You are not in any branches. I think you need some time to get known a little bit around the community.
  7. no non ono nononoonono not again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also Hi, yes I have CCs
  8. Wanna do one last promotion? Please? Hope to see you again! o7
  9. +support tfa_browningauto5 = (buff the damage from 15x6 to 17x8) -> tfa_browningauto5 = (buff the damage from 15x6 to 16x8) tfa_dbarrel = (right click damage buff from a total of 200 damage to 400 as its firing both barrels) -> tfa_dbarrel = (right click damage buff from a total of 200 damage to 300 as its firing both barrels)
  10. -Support the more times you +support yourself the more I just want put multiple -supports on your app no
  11. I don't see them adding this without a big price tag but sure
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