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Everything posted by Pills

  1. Name: Pills Rank: 1LT SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526542188 Discord ID (Ex. Deez #5564): Pig#5405 Are you a FTO?: Yes! Timezone: EST Would you like to remain in Military?: For the time being, yes.
  2. -Support This man is wayyyyy toooooo good for Gaminglight too worthy of the position
  3. Pills

    I'm dippin...

    Ice scream sky rum hundred noveL horse tomatO logging Venture scrimmage flip rhetorical winter scorching rain run lump pool toggle grass bridge packEt pottery secular filter Planet captivate grand sofa profEssor daughter sharp cinemA radical exerCise resource hide imprEss executive acquaintance dictionary exposure rabbit pluck competence give governor agree flag neighbor interrupt charter climate rung top toWer novel jurIsdiction exciTement formulate trace provoke ignore president dash bay trainer suite terms commemorate solve contempt marcH unlike inhAbitant easy Betray apple opposition patent case scandal haunt explosion ball offender trUstee squash heaven miner margin favorable useR liberty multiply shape correspoNdence camera appearance satIsfactioN salt prediction advocate love ideoloGy referee establish exPlosion unfortunate officiAl conSultation display Satellite dealer relevance course dIplomatic sOcialist satisfactioN brink attention shorts church regard jest zone animal fraud economy panel picture venture prisoner navy pasture exaggerate serve threaten demonstration outlook spokesperson contribution lighter rubbish circulation uncle disappointment proportion concern executive tune last diameter faithful lean splurge. ABC -> abc -> abc
  4. +Support My suggestion finally went through
  5. Pills

    I'm dippin...

    I'm dipping my ice cream
  6. Pretty cool guy +Support
  7. Pills

    R&D App.

    Denied +Support
  8. It is because when the box is white, it means yes. It means yes meaning yes, they are that job. When the box is black, it means no. It means no meaning no, they are not that job.
  9. Pills

    my face reveal

    why he got a white waifu instead a black one????
  10. @Nydekore smh smh +/- Support until he responds
  11. + Support This is about prop abuse, not about how it would work irl (that shit is funny)
  12. -Support This video says you're wrong. Unless you provide any actual proof like video. Also @islandtoad what is your POV on this? Would love to know. (Completely on related but there used to be a manhole in the outside part of 173 which is what I thought he was talking about until the clip.
  13. MTF Delta-5 “Front Runners” Command Application are now Closed!!! People forgot to announce that the apps were closed. They are closed and HCMD said so themselves! I am not doing an "official" announcement but would like to inform people that they are closed. Main reason for making is that people are still asking about them and someone applied while they were closed. Positions Open: Lieutenant Colonel [LTCOL] Major [MAJ] Captain [CPT] 1st Lieutenant [1LT] 2nd Lieutenant [2LT] ____________________________________________________________________________ Positions Gotten: Lieutenant Colonel [LTCOL] None Major [MAJ] Robby, Fusion Captain [CPT] Sixx, Yato 1st Lieutenant [1LT] Frog, Cosmic, Lannie (Femboy) 2nd Lieutenant [2LT] Jeffonator, Pills, Lee Warrant Officer [WO] Pie, Mike (Kade)
  14. okay now stay there!
  15. Your in game name: Pills ( [GL] Ahoy ) Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:526542188 The player's in game name: Bigboy The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:25418924 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: ~10:03 PM EST 10/24/2021 What did the player do: Say the N-Word (Racism) Evidence (required): https://streamable.com/ey62is What do you believe should happen to the player: Warn and a 7 Day Ban Any extra information: He left immediately after this
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