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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Pills

  1. +Support okay I guess have fun with the update!
  2. Add -Not allowed to pull out any weapons or harm/shoot at anyone during NLR (Obviously)
  3. See ya mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  4. me and Toaster came out as a couple. Thin is making a joke lol
  5. What is up maintenance boyos! You guys have been doing very well recently and I thought I would drop off and say that you guys are doing a phenomenal job at being maintenance. I have made so many changes to the branch since I came here. I made FTO ranks a thing, I helped make maintenance become part of the O5 staff team (now named RRH), and more! I met so many wonderful people. I have had tons of fun but people get naturally burnt out of things over a year. Some of you may know but I recently got command in Delta-5. Meaning I have hit the life limit. So I am announcing that I am resigning from maintenance. I have some honorable mentions before I head on out the door. Sparkle: You trained me. Then got all the way up to DSD (LCZ Manager whatever). Honestly an amazing guy. Loaf: I still believe in Among Us PT. I KNOW YOU DID ONE. Jack: Look man. I took a long break and decided that instead of leaving CI, I would leave maintenance. Please don't bully me because I lied Aussie: OMG GET AHOME ALREADY. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Dumptruck: I will still beat you with a stick if you afk without afk in your name on maintenance command. Shinspin: I think it is cool to say that I think you are getting the MM slot. You are a very cool command member and I hope to see you climb the ranks. Olbap: If you shut one more god damn door on my face I think I will actually lose my mind. Biggie Cheese: Take a fucking break every once and a while. All I see all day are your logs. TAKE A BREAK MANNNNNNNN Top 10 favorite moments: (not in order) https://streamable.com/1o8hxp https://streamable.com/ys7wpl https://streamable.com/nroldy https://streamable.com/4f5nck https://streamable.com/79aotv https://streamable.com/au51q4 https://streamable.com/mac1c7 https://streamable.com/uokd9u https://streamable.com/9x1raw https://streamable.com/liby3g Well, I guess I will be off then. o/ all. See you on another branch.
  6. Pills

    My BF (Toasterr)

    I love my boyfriend @Toasterr he's so hot
  7. You have been unbanned. GLaDOS made a oopsie +Support
  8. -If you let go of the sprint key, you are going to die. add MAX DONOR SETUP- CC/Mobster/Pro D-Class [Example/Example means you can have any of them] CC with guns (of your choosing) CC has very good hitbox Has CSGO knife and/or trench knife (NOT NEEDED) Golden Golf Club Buys levels for Mobster (Level 100+) (NOT NEEDED) Vape to make smoke screens [WILL NOT BE USED OFTEN] DONOR SETUP- Mobster/Pro D-Class/CC [Example/Example means you can have any of them] CSGO knife/trench knife NON-DONOR SETUP- Brute/Mobster
  9. make a CC post of the forums in the CC section to get this fixed
  10. you're fine. take all the time you need
  11. Pills

    D7025 tryouts

    M8VP downvoting someone with family issues god damn
  12. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198963351141 he did not get banned
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