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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. Good luck in Poland hope to see when you come back!
  2. This isn't the Police RP ban appeal section.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuNJ5j2fybo I'm gonna miss you
  4. You aren't blacklisted from Security.
  5. +/- Support I think the changes and HP/Armor buffs are fine but the new job for Sarkic is completely unneeded in my opinion just edit and add on to the already existing ones.
  6. From gensec chad to CI chad. Sad to see you go again.
  7. +Support would allow medical and research to have something else to do.
  8. Denied You have been around ever since I joined the server. Its really sad to see you go just when you started liking me lmao. You can reapply to resign in 2 weeks.
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